I fucking love Open Diary. ::EDIT::

….and I wasn’t expecting to be able to save this entry with the word "fuck" in the title!! ALRIGHT OD!!

Anyway. To explain!

I fucking love OpenDiary because of the notes I’ve received over the last few days, from my regulars. I knew I could count on you guys to make me feel like less of an asshole   And also, before I read the notes on the entry previous to this one, I was already feeling a bit better, to be honest. It’s looking like the further I get from the situation, be it only a few days even, the better it is. In regards to time, I mean. I’m still in my house, lol.

Speaking of house….and other living arrangements, etc. etc. As of today (yesterday, technically, since it’s now 12:12 AM on Tuesday), it’s looking like I might be staying an entire weekend in the city, instead of just the Friday like I’d thought before. The plans are an hourly-changing thing, and I have the potential to stress myself out a LOT.

But I’m not. Because I have things to do! And very little time to do them in. Most of these things are just planning/thinking, but there are other physical duties I must perform as well (hopefully none like the weekend baaaaaaaha), plus keep up with day-to-day things my mum needs/wants me to do. Leslie has offered up her place for me to stay on Friday, and poooossibly Sunday. I say poooossibly because I’m not sure if I’m staying overnight on Sunday again, or leaving that night instead. There’s a band that I recently discovered thanks to Facebook, and then myspace (yeah, I’m using my account again for the first time in a YEAR, wow), and I messaged them asking about how to go about getting one of their singles, and dude messaged me back today (Monday) and said they were playing a show this Sunday! In Halifax! They ARE a Halifax-area band, so it’s not surprising, but still! It’s at this pub that Leslie told me she’d been wanting to check out for a while, so when I told her about it she said she wanted to come with, and that’s also when she offered her place for me to stay at on Sunday night.

Phew. So I’ve got crashing arrangements for Friday and Sunday…but Saturday is still in the "hmmm…" stage. Sam herself said she’d offer her place (when I was venting about all the things I have to figure out) if she wasn’t going out that night herself. Apparently this apartment of hers has a spare room….

I wasn’t expecting her to offer at ALL, and truthfully, her place hadn’t entered my head as as option for Saturday, that’s how confused my brain has been. So the offer came as quite a surprise…weeeeew. You know kids, ‘sfunny…I barely thought about Sam ’til today (Monday), what with all the "wtf"-ness of the weekend, and then other ordinary, mundane things with my mother and other friends.

Speaking of other friends….Grace. I had a major attack of missing her last night (Sunday), and it got worse tonight (Monday) when I read a message she sent me about how shitty her last few days have been in her new place. She’s living in…well, I can’t tell you that, but let’s say it’s further than Halifax….with Jennifer (Alicia’s sister), and across from Niki (their friend from high school, and my acquaintance through them). I guess they’ve been excluding her from stuff, and she’s just in general not feeling good about things, and missing me on top of that. So imagine how I felt after having a missing-Grace-attack myself the previous night, and then reading that. I didn’t cry, but I definitely took a break from all of my other drama in my head to be like…"aww." And lamented the fact that I couldn’t hug her in person, or even call her (because she only has her cell phone and it’s expensive long-distance)…

I wrote her back though, and I hope it makes her feel better, and I’m in the process of sending her a cute Hallmark e-card, a Hoops & Yoyo one. It’s really freaking cute.

Phew…so yes. More updates as they come to me, folks! This is probably all just fuel for the book I’ll write someday….?

Thanks again for your notes, I love you all

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September 18, 2007

me too. i almost peed myself today when i couldnt get on for oooh… twelve hours? yeah, it started sometime last night so about half a day. the horror! <3

September 20, 2007

Anytime! ;p