2 entries in a day…!

…and 4 this week total!!  That’s got to be some sort of record for me.

This is only a quickie, because eeeeeeeeeee I’m much too excited to be typing coherently.  Anyway.  What are the chances that I write about a possible girlie prospect, and then two hours later, THIS happens.  What’s THIS, you ask??  Well keep your panties on, I’m about to tell you!!

….But not without building up the suspense first, of course

So, I’m sitting here, for an hour after sampling my own drink recipes, because they sort of went straight to my head and I needed a break.  I’m doing my usual aimless cruising of the ‘net and Facebook and so on, and getting nervy about my dad’s impending visit (he arrives today) and my mum’s constant nagging me to tell him about my "sexuality situation" because apparently it’s not fair for her to know and him to not.  So my mood was steadily declining as I thought about these things….and then I suddenly realized I had to pee.  I went upstairs to do my business, and then just happened to go in my room for a minute, and noticed my cell flashing.  Inwardly I thought "probably another e-mail notification from my cousins", who, by the by, enjoy sending endless forwards for me to pass on to my mum.  Heaving a great sigh, I picked up my phone and readied my fingers to delete the message right away.  I flipped it open….


It wasn’t an e-mail notification at all!!!  It was a text!!  FROM SAM!!!!  I bit down hard on my lip to keep from cracking my face with an ear-to-ear grin.  It was simple, but it lifted my spirits considerably:

"I got your letter!  I loved it!!"

I’ve yet to reply because I’m thinking of a way to be LESS subtle than I have been lately.


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girl.. you are soo in love with her.. i really hope it works out…. ive got “problems” with my girl.. confused and stuff …u’ll have to read newest entries.. i would really appriciate ur opinion or what you would do in my situation! plllleeeaassee! damn love can hurt!…so happy for you tho!!! xxx

August 17, 2007

Thanks for the note 🙂

thanks hun! yeah i know wht u mean, but i cant walk away from her, i was close to yesterday, but I CANT DO IT … damn love! the things we put ourselves though forlove huh… so what u guna do with sam? since her message bout the card? xx

August 17, 2007

ryn: thanks for the birthday wishes. im not sure how great it’s going to be. i work tonight, and i have no plans after that. but if i do drink, i’ll have one if your honor. oh and being subtle sucks. just tell her. or be all, so i like this girl and i sent her this letter, i wonder if she gets it. thats subtle enough but to the point in a way. it’s what i’d do. then again im not good at getting the girl. so what do i know?

August 17, 2007

aw your so cute. you could send her a text message with ‘i like you’ and then if it goes back say you meant to send it to someone else. that works alright the first time around. or you just tell her you miss her.

August 17, 2007

Sounds like you really like this girl. My parents don’t know about me being bi cuz they’re both really homophobic. If I ever become serious about a girl then I’ll tell them, but for now I won’t. lol Ryn: I think I have noted you before. And I put a lot of entries on favs only after that so the person would leave me alone. And apparently it worked