sweet shit in a bucket!

Hello all!!

Okay so if you’re wondering why I haven’t been writing/noting/anything-ing any of you or this diary, it’s because my computer is a rather large filthy WHORE as of late.  For the last 3 weeks or so, it went all wonky with spyware, and just when we thought it was more or less back to normal, it completely and utterly fucked up and wouldn’t even load Windows all the way, and kept restarting itself over and over in a loop.  So finally today, we took it into Staples to be fixed.  We should have it back by Monday and (God willing) all my music and pictures will be safe and sound and things can go back to normal and I can finally update you!

I’m on a library computer right now so I have limited time to say anything at all, but I will tell you that I’m heading for the city tomorrow for Sarah (yes THAT Sarah)’s birthday….I believe I mentioned her inviting me an entry or two ago.  I’m going to have my guard up I think though because it’s been so long since we’ve hung out, but we’ll see how she goes.  We’re going to the Dome and I haven’t been there in two years and my last experience was disastrous (not the Dome’s fault, but a rather stupid friend’s, so I haven’t let it taint my view of it…though I know cornflake girl thinks it’s skeezy ).  Sooooo yes.  We leave early in the morning tomorrow.  I’ll hopefully be able to let you kids know how it went, but wish me luck! 

And in case any of you were wondering, no, I didn’t make it to Pride .  A further explanation of that is forthcoming as well.

Love you all, be good!  And note moi!


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July 26, 2007

Eew. Dome. I have vowed never to go to the Dome again. Then I broke that vow, and went to the Dome about 2 weeks ago due to peer pressure. And the fact that I was already drunk. While there, I got even drunker and made out with a stranger. Apparently I gave him my number. He called. Alot. I have since reinstated the ‘never-going-to-the-dome-again’ vow. And I mean it this time. Haha.

July 26, 2007

But I hope YOU have an awesome trip!! : )

July 26, 2007

you know i like those filthy whores! so what if its a computer.

July 30, 2007

Sad that you didn’t make pride. Good luck with Sarah!!!

my whole internet has been a bit of a bitch as of late! but i fixed it today *is proud of self* good luck with Sarah matey! <3 P.s GOLD