Entry lackage

Heyyyy kids.

Wow, it feels like forever since I’ve written anything of substance, and I’m afraid for the moment this entry’s not going to be any different.  Last week from about Sunday to Tuesday, I was ridiculously sick.  I had something like a flu bug or something; nausea (and later, vomiting), sore throat, stuffy nose, swollen glands, headache, fever…the whole nine yards.  I really really just felt awful, like crap.  I didn’t even get out of bed for almost a whole day.  But like I said, I was almost back to normal by Tuesday, and on Thursday I went to the movies with Kevin, Alicia and Devin to see…TRANSFORMERS!!!  On its last day here, thankfully.  I’d been waiting and waiting to see it with Grace cuz it’s part of one of our inside jokes, but I couldn’t wait anymore, and I found after that she’d seen it at this chick Jordan’s birthday party already anyway.  So pshh.  Anyway, it was AWESOME.  I won’t spoil it for those that haven’t seen it, but like, the first half is just hilarious and the second half is all o-m-g-ACTION-explosions-WOW.  Freaking awesome. 

My throat’s still a bit scratchy, but I’d say I’m almost entirely healthy again.  Ooooh, and since it’s like 4:30 AM on Sunday now, it is officially the start of Pride Week in Halifax!!  I’m hoping to get up there for maybe Thursday or Friday, not quite sure yet, and finally go to goddamn Reflections!  My pal Leslie offered for me to crash at her place when I was talking to her tonight but that’s not 100% yet.  I’ve wanted to go for like the last 3 years, to Pride I mean, and this year I finally wanna come through on it.  Also, Reflections is the city’s most well-known gay bar (they call it a "no labels" bar, but everyone knows what’s up) so I mean, going there for my first time, during PRIDE…well…it promises to be something else for sure.

As for the rest of my life, nothing new on the job front, though I’m still looking, and as far as I know, I’m still on the waitlist for NSCC.  Sigh.  Oooh…I ran into Sarah for the first time in well over a month today, she was just getting off work, and I thought it would be really awkward, but she acted like everything was cool so I followed suit.  And then out of nowhere she invited me up to the city for her birthday next month.  Weird.  I dunno if I’ll go, but she seemed pretty insistent that I do.  Oh, and she finally broke up with Nigel and is dating Charles, which I totally saw coming.  Yeah, the Charles that had the party I went with Grace to.  Yup.  He just graduated high school, and she was talking about needing someone who’s mature….oooooookay.  Hmmm what else….I didn’t go out on Friday, cuz I just got really down all of a sudden.  I’ve been thinking about it, and I figure what might’ve triggered it was a letter from my buddy Jon (who’s now living in Banff), and him saying that he missed me and such, and a similar wall posting on Facebook from Leslie.  I miss having people around all the time that I know for sure love me.  I’m surrounded by so much sketchiness these days it seems.  I miss last year a lot, I want parts of it back…other parts, I could happily leave.  But yeah, I was feeling a lot better on Saturday (which is still sort of today to me) and my friend Kate was in town for the weekend from the city, and we hung out all afternoon, so that was nice.  We also hit up Dooly’s later in the evening, with Courtney, and naturally I ran into several people I knew there.  That was fun, had a few drinks, shot the shit, danced a bit.

Okay, now here’s a dorky story for you.  As you may have gathered, I’m quite addicted to Facebook.  I’ve belonged to a group called "I am in love with the Tic Tac chick" for several months now, and realized the other day that I’d never posted on its wall or left any photo comments, so I did just that.  To explain, if you live in Canada, you’ve likely seen the Tic Tac spots over the last year or so, featuring a very very pretty, striking girl (woman, whatever),and I immediately had a mini-crush on her…so when I saw the group, I thought it was hilarious and just had to join.  The day after I wrote on its wall, I had a message in my e-mail from Facebook saying that I had a friend request.  IT WAS THE TIC TAC CHICK HERSELF. 

Hahahaha.  Her name is Kate Kelton.  And it’s quite amazing to me, that SHE added ME in the first place…and then she also wrote on my wall first, saying:
omg, could you be any more adorable? jest don think so ;}

Phwoar.  I responded with:
What can I say? I work out 😉

Actually, I often erupt in explosions of teddy bears and kittens, but I think for today my adorability (is that a word? It is now!) has reached its quota, so I guess you’re right. I couldn’t be any more adorable 😀

We went back and forth a few more times, and the latest, which I got right before I went out tonight (and hence, got me giddy before I was even drinking) is this:
lol, adorkable is right! And what you don’t know is that we’re actually alread married and I’m preggers with yer kid. Sorry, it’s just I coudln’t resist when you finally passed out in Vegas. I mean, really, you pass out in Vegas next to a wedding chapel, you get what you deseeerve, C! lol
xo the wife

I showed Kate and Courtney, and Kate was like "She’s so…flirty!  It’s cute!"  And I then pointed out that I don’t have my  "interested in (men/women)" listed on my profile…and neither does she.  Bahaha.  Wishful thinking.  Oh and for you non-Canucks, if you’ve seen Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, she was one of the "Battleshits" girls, ahaha.  So the online flirtation has kept me occupied the last week or so, and I don’t care how lame anyone thinks it is! lol

That’s it for me now, I need sleep!


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July 15, 2007

glad to see youve written..and that youre feeling better. pride is really late for you guys ha mine was in the beginning of june! but have FUN the tic tac lady convo made me giggle like mad :o)

July 15, 2007

i was feely a bit under the weather around the same time as well. not fun. i wanted to go the big pride parade here but i never got to. maybe next year. and the girl is totally hot and talking to you. no fair.

July 15, 2007

lol… that’s actually really cute 🙂