Shutupandkissmeliketheantidote’s under my tongue


*yawn*  It’s 5:51 AM kids.  And I’m still awake.  I finally had my sleeping pattern back on track, and now I’ve gone and fucked it up again.  Ah well, it’ll straighten out over the weekend hopefully.  So when did I write last?  Hmm, it was still May, wasn’t it?  Wow.  Well nothing tooooo much has happened.  Saw Pirates 3 with Kevin and Alicia, which renewed my crush on Keira Knightley, though realistically she would probably be a tad too skinny for my taste.  Her face though…wow.

keira, raaawwrrr


I managed to stay away from the bar last weekend, like I’ve been planning to for a while.  Easier than I thought!!  Wow, that sounds really sad.  However, I didn’t stay away from alcohol entirely…er, at all, actually.  Because you see, on Saturday I received the following text from none other than Grace (that’s right folks, she’s baaaaaack):

Caitlin want to get your drink on with me tonight?!

After playing a wonderful game of phone tag, I finally got a hold of her, and we made plans for her to pick me up after she got off work at 8.  Sooo she came to pick me up, and from there we headed to the liquor store so I could get booze.  I was back and forth in the cooler of the liquor store, trying to decide if I wanted to waste precious $$ on coolers, that wouldn’t get me all that drunk, or go cheap and get beer and not enjoy the taste much.  I opted for an 8-pack of Cold Shots (for you non-Canucks, that’s 8 tall cans of Molson Canadian beer), figuring that’d get the job done for a lot less money.  And boy did it ever.

We got to this guy Charles’ place around 8:30ish.  I recognized him as a kid that took my bus when I was in high school, but that’s about all I knew about him.  That and I always assumed he was gay, but apparently he’s not lol, since he has a massive crush on Grace.  Poor kid.  There were a couple more people I knew there, but everyone else was a stranger to me, but quickly became my new friends haha.  We mostly sat around for the first hour and half, watching the game (Sens vs. Ducks, OTTAWA WON!…I found this out later, as I missed the last half of the game being drunk and other such things, but I’ll get to that!).

watchin' the game

Grace and I were on one couch, this kid Cris and his girlfriend whose name I now completely forget, damn, were on another couch; Jeremy, Niki, Charles and this other guy Josh (who was wicked at guitar) were on another.  Another guy, Matt mostly sat on the same couch as Cris and his g/f, but kept getting up. 

grace 'n' me

When she saw this picture, it prompted my friend Danielle to say this: come on she is hotter;)
Meaning hotter than Sarah…and I gotta say, Grace is definitely cuuuute




That smile has driven me crazy more than once.

us again

This particular photo was Grace’s idea, supposed to be our "wedding picture"

Around 9:00ish I think, Charles and I decided to get the drinking started, and everyone else soon followed suit.  I’d been wondering when to start and not wanting to look like an alcoholic for a while haha, so I was glad Charles did it at the same time.  We ended up staying neck and neck for the entire evening, beer by beer.  The beer was interspersed with shots of rum whenever Ottawa scored, or if people just felt like it haha.  Jeremy and Niki left cuz I think Niki had to work in the morning or something.  I poured Grace her first drink, a very strong (oopsie ) rum ‘n’ Coke.  By the second one, I think she had a buzz on.  Charles’ much younger sister came in with some friend of hers at one point, and at first I thought "uh oh, busted" but she actually asked to try everyone’s drinks haha, so it was cool.  A few of the boys went out, because someone had seen a Sens foam hat thing on a mailbox, so they went to go steal it.  *sigh* Boys.  By that point, I was definitely buzzing, on beer #3 or 4. 

Charles and I had definitely bonded, what with our beer-drinking and (unknown to him) crushes on Grace.  Our bond was cemented when I noticed his electric guitar in a corner.  He was like "You play?" and I said "Well…I pretend I play." and he goes "me too!"  So we "jammed" for a while, and I showed him a wicked song by the John Mayer Trio, called "Who Did You Think I Was?", first by playing it, and then he downloaded it to hear it better.  I even started singing into a "microphone" AKA a flashlight that happened to be lying around.

"i got half a smile, and zero shame"








 rockin' out with charles 





Yeah.  I’m pretty much hardcore.  Grace, obviously, was watching all this take place, and taking pictures.  She sat up and took notice, so to speak, when I started playing Charles’ guitar.  She was all "I didn’t know you could play guitar?!" and looking really impressed.  I’m not that good, but it was funny to me.  It felt so cliché; had I been a guy it’d be your classic guy-learns-guitar-to-impress-girl-guy-plays-guitar-for-girl-girl-falls-for-guy.&nbs

p; I may as well have belted out some sappy ballad.  I went for "Dirty Little Secret" by All-American Rejects instead.  Fitting, no?  But yeah, she sat there watching me for quite a while, which I loved.

yup, that's the face that makes people fall madly in love with me








In between showing Charles things and soaking up the Grace-attention, I was still working on my 8-pack…of beer.  Charles was still keeping up with me, impressively.  I’d kind of thought he’d be a bit of wiener, but the kid can drink!  Oh also, while I was playing gee-tar, someone asked me, and I can’t remember who it was, either Mike or Matt (oh yeah, another guy named Mike showed up), "So…you gay, or straight?" and I replied calmly, despite how bluntly the question had been asked, "Neither."  Grace laughed and said "Ahh Caitlin I love you, you’re so funny!"  So whoever it was, Mike or Matt, said "Sooo…you’re bi then?" and I said "yup" and dude thought it was cool and pretty much dropped it from there.  At some point, someone suggested we go to Subway, because let’s face it: there’s nothing like Subway when you’re wasted.  Luckily Charles lived pretty close, so we all walked there.

walking to subway

Man, I look like someone’s brother.

It started to rain a bit, and it was nice and breezy.  Grace and I held hands the whole way there, it was cute.  When we got there, only 2 people went inside, apparently most of us were just along for the walk and not to actually get food haha.  I went in anyway, cuz I spotted Jerry working (sketchy dude from the Top Hat, I’ve mentioned him before, I swear) and probably made an ass of myself, but what do I care??

self-portrait inside subway

Not the most attractive shot of me ever, but I like my eyes

After we had everyone’s subs to bring back with us, we hit the road back to Charles’.  On the way back, Matt asked me a string of rapid-fire questions about my sexuality, and I answered just as fast, and truthfully!  Grace thought it was all very amusing, and I guess I kinda did too.  Cuz I mean, a few short years ago, I’d’ve died of embarrassment if anyone even mentioned that I might not be straight, and now I can talk about it like the weather.  To strangers, basically!  I did think a few of the questions were a bit too personal, though, but was too drunk to care.

When we got back, Charles and I (and the other guys too) resumed drinking.  This next picture happened around beer #6:

Grace and I were in the bathroom together for some reason, and I just…fell in the tub.  And didn’t bother getting out for several minutes.

cris and his new best porcelain friend



Poor guy.  He was like that for much of the night.

Most of the rest of the night is kind of a blur, and actually the trip to Subway came back to me in bits and pieces.  I know I kissed Grace at some point, but don’t remember when, and it was nothing serious, just a quick peck on the lips.  I’ve got to be careful about these things.  I’m definitely not letting myself get attached to anyone unless I’m 100% sure about it.  Doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun in the meantime though

I took this one just for Grace sometime after the bathtub incident…she said it was cute

mike and me


My hair got more and more unruly the drunker I got

I have absolutely no idea what time we went to bed at, but Grace and I staggered up the stairs to Charles’ sister’s room (romantic, I know) and more or less passed out (after I made a trip downstairs to the only bathroom to throw up a little…yup, rum and beer is not a good combo) together.  It was the best sleep ever, minus the fact that Grace hogged the one blanket and pillow…I fell asleep on a stuffed pink unicorn, and nothing covering me.  We woke up to Charles’ sister and her friend talking loudly below the window in their tent.  Grace smiled at me and ruffled my hair, and got up and started getting dressed.  I just lay back with my arms behind my head and watched her, smiling.  We went downstairs after a bit, where everyone else was waking up, hungover.  We stayed and chatted a bit and then she took me home around 8:30ish, because she was going to her grandparents’ that day.

All in all, pretty freakin’ great night.  And I’m glad I went to this party and skipped the bar on Friday.  It was a welcome change.  Things are looking up….


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June 8, 2007

sounds totally fun. grace is cuter.

Grace is not cute! She is HOT! anyway it sounds like you had a reeeaaallllly great night! have some GOLD for staying up late Note me back you note unwhore <3

June 9, 2007

Unruly hair is always a sign of a good night of drinking… Glad you had a fun one!

June 12, 2007

ha, by the time you are my age, you won’t give a crap if people know about your pref. i never thought i’d see the day where i’d be all “btw, yeah, i’m gay” during a convo with people i’m just meeting (if it’s brought up).