future plans are amazing!

so ive been pretty good at updating this thing lately. i guess i have nothing better to do right now since Alex is gone for now. going on 2 and half days with NOOOO sleep so bare with me if i sound like im rambling on. haha

so he surprised me last night, we were talking and i said something about us being together for a certain amount of months and he goes yeah 4 months and 3 days to be exact. and hes like in feb will be our 6 months anv. and we are deff doing something special for that. i was really shocked that he knew all that….i mean i figured he knew kinda around the time weve been dating but knowing EXACTLY the date and everything just makes me really happy! deff put a smile on my face and he could tell it made me happy! I get to go see him tomorrow so im pretty excited about that. GOD i miss him!

ive been looking around for places for us to move into. we havent decided if we just want to jump into a house or go with a like 2 bd apartment first….not to mention he made a comment last week that he kind of doesnt want to live in this area much longer. he mentioned Minnesota but I told him I really dont want to live there and so he switched it to the East Coast….which he knows damn well I’d jump to that in a second! to be near VA again would just make me so happy! I miss living near Amanda. Shes my best friend that I can always count on and ive really needed her near me the past month or so but its ok shes coming to visit me this summer and then Alex and I are driving back to VA to stay with her for a week or so!!! Anyways back to subject..So IDK if i really want to scope out a place just yet or wait until he gets back and we both decide if we want to stay here for another year or more…start our family here and then move. it might be easier on both of us if we did that, started our family here b/c we both have our family here to support us and then once we have our first kid and get stable then we will move. but we will see you never know with us. haha

Im just ready to start my life with him! Im ready to be Mrs. Brott!! his mom already calls me her daughter which just makes me just want to marry Alex right this second even more. I love his mom to death!! 🙂

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