
so Ive tried writing a entry 4 times today and everytime when I’m almost done with it the page refreshes and deletes the WHOLE entry…WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! lets see if I can actually finish this entry!

Its been forever since I got on here! I hate doing that! I miss out on so many things with my friends. I’m still dating Alex and madly in love with him! He got his CDL and is a truck driver now! I’m so proud of him cuz that has been his dream for a lot time and he actually made it come true! I’ve gone on a couple of his trips already! He wants me to go on everyone of them but I have to work which bums him out but he understands LOL We spend all our free time together! We’ve looked at some places to move in together. Hes all for it but Im the one that is still thinking about it. Hes going to be on the road all the time I dont see why we need our own place right now but he keeps saying he wants to know that he can come home to me and know we have our own place to be alone together. So we will see what happens in the next couple of months.

I’ve become really close with his mom which makes me really happy! Shes an amazing lady! Shes pregnant right now, due in Feb, shes having a boy! Its funny cuz Alex will be 22 Dec 30th and this will be his first sibling. Weird but cool at the same time! I feel like I’m getting a baby brother too! haha His mom calls me her daughter in law all the time now. When I met her side of the family she introduced me as her soon to be daughter in law which made me smile! 🙂

Alex and I have been seriously talking about getting married. I told him I kind of want to be asked properly which he completely understands and is will to do. Hes already got it all planned out. We’ve been talking about dates, either Fall 2011 or Spring 2012. We want the wedding outside and already have the place picked out and then the reception will be outside too! We also have been talking about having kids really soon too! We just havent decided if we want to start now or wait until we get married. If we start now then we wont get married until Spring 2012 cuz I dont want to be pregnant when we get married.

but anyways I better go!

I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂

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