things are looking up.

So life has been pretty crazy lately. So on the 10th I had to have Dan arrested. He punched my windshield and completely shattered it…WHILE i was in the car backing up cuz he was pissed at me. So have to deal with that bullshit. I just had my windshield fixed yesterday. I might have to go to his court date on the 5th.

I got done with my class on Thursday and im back to working like ALL the time. which im glad cuz i need the money…well not really im living with my parents again so all I use my money on is gas and food when im out. So i dont spend that much but i was getting use to making 500-600 a check and when I was in school i was only making 200. it SUCKED!

Im going to see Heather in Aug. IM SO EXCITED!!! I cant wait. I need to get out of here for a few days and just clear my head and have a good time with my best friend/sis. I havent seen her in SOOOOO long its crazy.

Also I met someone yesterday. He just went thru the same thing i went thru. He was in a serious relationship they were together for 2 yrs just like dan and I was and then they broke up. His ex sounds just like dan, like how they were acting and everything. So we both are feeling the same thing right now. It was really good talking to someone that knows the feeling right at the same time. The convo got really deep actually pretty quick. Hes absolutely amazing and I really like him already. We are meeting up and see each other on Aug. 1. I CANT WAIT! lol He lives in Minnesota like 50 or 60 mins away from me. So we probably can see each other a lot if we want to. Hes so sweet and kind. Just someone i really need in my life and who i want to be with.

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July 27, 2009

RYN: No, she hasn’t called yet. I’m hoping maybe it was a fluke and she won’t call.