
So today SUCKED ASS at work. at work on weekdays we usually have the high school kids come in for lunch on there lunch break….well today they were having testing and got an hour for lunch instead of 30 mins. well EVERYONE came to our place and ordered food and took ALL the tables up..so no one else could sit down and eat. and they were there for an hour and TRASHED the whole fucking place. I was in dining today cuz we knew we would be busy and needed someone in there. So i went out there when they all left and the whole place was trashed….food all over the floor, trays left on table, soda…malts…custard ALL over the tables, tooth picks in the salt and pepper shakers, and comment cards filled out saying we suck ass… It took me 30 mins to clean that whole dining up…and with no help from anybody even though i asked who was suppose to be in dining to help and they just stood around. fucking bitches.

so i called my mom and found out that they found a house the other day and they are going to put a bid in for it. im excited for them…i know they need to get out of grandmas house just like i had to. also found out that my grandfather [on dads side] had to have some tests done cuz he needed to get a pace-maker last month and they found on the tests that he had a lump on his lung and they think its cancer…they are waiting to get a doctors appointment. so my mom and dad will have to go down there and be with them through all that.

but yeah not a whole lot more going on here.

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