update on life

WOW its been a long time and many things happened since i wrote last. so heres the story… well you all know that my grandfather went into the hospital. well he broke two ribs when he fell and they were trying to find out why he had passed out like that. for like 5 days they were trying to help with his pain, well during this time we wasnt going to the bathroom very much and he got a block. he started to through up black shit all night and they had to put a tube down his throat. he had that in for 3 days and he could eat ANYTHING. well he finally got the block solved and they were gonna do a angio-gram when they found that he had a rash all over his body ( which was from all the dye they had to give him for all the xrays and stuff) so they decided to give him some medicine and give him the angio-gram the next day. well i come in really early before i went to work to see him and say good luck on his angio-gram. well i get there and hes complaining that he cant breathe very good. and hes wheezing. my mom and grandmother come right after me and notice it too. they get the doctor in there and they check him. and tell him to set up. ALL of a sudden he complains his chest is really tight. they rush me out of the room and the doctor gets him oxygen and rushes him to the xray. come to find out hes bleeding into his left chest cavity. so they rush him to intensive care..give him two units of blood and then rush him into emergency surgery. he had to get two chest tubes put in to drain the fluids and the air out of his chest cavity. this was on friday 9/5/08 and then on tuesday 9/9/08 he had his angio-gram and they found that he needed tripple bi-pass surgery. he had that on wednesday 9/10/08 and by monday the 15th he was home from the hospital. he is doing so well.

in other news. i got a new job and quit my other job. they werent giving me any hours and i was only making 6.50. so im working at culvers now for 8.25 and i get 40 hrs a week. and im gonna be promoted to assistant manager in a month or so. so ill be making even more. we are also hoping to get this apartment we want. we are trying to take over this chicks lease that she has. she cant pay on her own anymore and is trying to get ahold of her landlord to see what we can do to get it. its really nice, its a 1 bedroom apartment, HUGE living room, nice kitchen, HUGE bathroom,and balcony. WE BOTH LOVE IT!!

other then that nothing else has really been going on. just working and living a new life.

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October 21, 2008

hope u get the apartment sis! glad to hear ur granddad is better 😀

November 2, 2008

Sorry to hear abt your granpa. That is horrible. Hopefully things are better now. Good luck wit everything else hun.