time to wait

sorry i havent been able to write lately. been busy with many things. my mother is doing ok. still going to doctor appointments and trying to find out exactly what kind of cancer it is. Tuesday she is having a bone-maro biopsy. so hopefully everything goes ok with that. her doctor thinks she might have to get a bone-maro transplant to cure it. hopefully theres something else that cant cure it but if not then i have to get tested to see if im the match.

in other news, on May 8th, im going up to PA to pick my boyfriend [[Dan]] up. Then were coming back and getting ready to either get an apartment here in VA or to move to WIS. Also getting ready for my dads retirement.

I cant wait to go get him. I miss him so much. I didnt get to talk to him for about 4 days and i about died. I know i said i would never come attached to someone. but with him its different. i cant get enough of him. im absolutely obsessed with him. i love him with all my heart and i want to be with him for the rest of my life.

 im being promoted to manager at work. so i have to go through classes from June 30- July 2. so i have to get really for that.

other then that, nothing has really happened.

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April 13, 2008

I hope everything works out well with your mom.