new front page layout

hey guys,

i got on here tonight and looked at my front page and noticed it was a MESS!! lol i had started to fix it up like 8 months ago and never finished…haha! well i finished it tonight. so check it out and tell me what you think.

in other news, i cant believe its almost Feb already…man this yr is really going by fast. IN 4 MONTHS WILL BE IZZY AND MINE 1 YR ANNIVERSARY!!!! i cant believe it!! i cant remember if i wrote about how he wants me to go on a trip with him and his rents in May. well the day that we leave is our 1 yr anv.!! May 19th to be exact!! lol i love him so much!!

well i still dont have my computer up and running again. im getting it fixed tomorrow. so cross your fingers guys and hope that i dont have to pay a shit load to get it fixed!! lol

well i better run, so this is all for now. but ill get back on tomorrow and write more.

have a great rest of the nite!!



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