drama weekend


hey guys,

how is everybody doing? how was your weekend? mine was good. wish it wasnt over tho. a few things went on this weekend. one big thing!!

on friday was Izzy’s bday. so we talked for a while. but he was over at his friends house so i didnt wanna bother him to much cuz i knew they wanted to just hang out together. so we didnt talk to long. but it was different when we did talk. it was like we didnt wanna talk to each other at all. we HARDLY said anything. really the only thing we actually really said was "are you still there?" so yeah. well then i get off the phone with him and then heather calls me. so we talk for A LONG TIME!!! and then finally we got done talking at like 12 30. and while i was the phone with heather i started to think…maybe me and izzy werent meant to be. so when i got off the phone with her…i txtd izzys cell and was like i think we need a break. well i left my cell on but had it on silence. and i fell asleep like right after that cuz i was DEAD tired. well i wake up at like 5 30am and i have a txt from him that he sent at 1 30am. he was like what why? what did i do? call me when you can so we can talk. i love you. well then i fall back asleep and at 9 50 i wake up again and i have another txt from him that he sent at 9 41 saying that he was sorry for whatever he did or didnt do and that he will always love me. so i decide to txt him and im like you didnt do anything. so like 10 minutes later i decide to call him. but he didnt pick is cell up so i left a msg on his voice mail. well like an hour or so later he txts me and is like are you busy. so i call him and we talk for a lil bit but then his cell dies. so like 30 minutes later he calls me back and we talk alot of it out and then hes like i gotta go get a few things and im gonna leave my cell at home to charge but ill call you when i get back. so he calls back like 2 hours later. and we talk for like 10 minutes and then im like ill call you at 9 or so at your house. so i call his house last night and we talk EVERYTHING out. so were cool now

ok on to something else…hmmm….lets see. oh scott called me today. we talked for a while. i dont know whats going on there. i dont feel the same way as i did for him like 2 months ago. im really confused on that subject at the moment. but he told me he would call me back…but he hasnt so…w/e.

ive talked to heather like every day this whole weekend!!! she had surgery on friday!! so if everybody could keep her in mind while she goes thru the healing process, i would really appreciate it!!! I LOVE YA GIRL!!!

lets see….what else!?!?!?! im suppose to call Izzy at 8 and its 7 50 right now. um…i really dont have a lot else to say at the moment. so i guess ill stop boring all you guys. hope your weekend was really great!!

take care,

love always,




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