
when i left germany i had never really had my melt down!! and finally after a week and a day i FINALLY had my melt down. it happened last night. i was just about to get my flavored water out of the fridge and i looked at this magnet on the fridge that said germany on it. and RIGHT THEN…i just fell and started to cry. so i ran up stairs and was up there for 2 hours crying. oh man, havent cried like that in so long. i was kinda suprised i didnt do it earlier. i mean yeah everynight ive cried a lil bit but not enough to call it a melt down. well yesterday was my melt down.

on other news, i just got an email from scott. he told me his brother had cancer and died on thursday. i feel so bad!! cuz i mean im really needy and we havent talked since sunday and i almost texted him on thursday to tell him to get on. thank god i didnt. i just feel so bad!! thats his second brother that has died of cancer. and if i remember right his father died of it too. im not sure if it was cancer tho. its really sad. so if you could please keep him and his family in your prayers and thoughts. thanks!!!

other news….my cousins are coming back today!!! YAY!!! its been nice not having them here cuz then i get to spend time with my grandparents but theres time when im REALLY bored out of my mind. and i need them to keep me company. there coming back at 1pm. my uncle is picking them up from my aunt. well i probably should tell you the story about them.

ok, well i always thought my aunt and uncle would be together forever. they never fought in front of ppl and they always looked like they loved each other. well one summer like 2 years ago. my aunt was always gone on "bussiness trips" and hardly home. well me and my mom went back to germany and DOOM…my aunt leaves my uncle. she was waiting for us to leave so she didnt have to hear my mom cussing at her and stuff. come to find out shes got another guy. and that all her bussiness trips were actually going out with him to places. she kept saying that my uncle forced her into doing things, like having sex. which i want to clear this up…my uncle WOULD NEVER force someone into having sex. hes just not someone that would do that. well now they are divorced and my aunt is engaged to the sick bastard that she was cheating on my uncle with. ISNT THAT GREAT!! lol

ok off that subject cuz it just makes me wanna go and kill her. lol. how is everybody doing?? i know long entry. finally. but i havent really told you what ive been doing. well monday i went shopping cuz i need some more shorts and some capris and some shirts. so we went shopping. i wanted to get my cartlage pierced and my third holes done. but we didnt have enough time. on thursday we went to Cubbies. its this pizza place where our friend owns it and makes pizza and has a bar there. its really nice but this time he wasnt there, his wife was and the pizza was not good at all. so next time we go were gonna make sure Cubbie is there first. lol

well i better go. miss ya guys!! later



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i’m confused. where did you live and where do you live now?

June 19, 2005

a lot of shit happened..im not sure if i meant that or not..i feel kind of bad for saying that..and im pretty sure it will kick me in the ass pretty soon. but..i shouldn’t care, because i dont deserve the shit that has just been put onto my shoulders. so…how are you? and who is this? lol