

hey guys,

i know i havent wrote in a while. and im sorry!! but guess what???

IM FLYING TO THE STATES TOMORRROW AT 10 40 AM GERMANY TIME!!! so that would be 3 am in chicago and 4 am in richmond, va and of course 1 am for those who live in CALI!!!

yeah so anyways…yeah im flying tomorrow…but i gotta be there 4 hours before the flight takes off cuz i have my dog with me…which sucks i have to be there so early…but ill find a hot gothic guy or someone like that and hang with them until my flight!!

i get to see my cousins tomorrow…YAY!! but then my aunt (stupid b****) has to pick them up on friday to take them to bible study for a week. so i wont be able to see them until like 2 days before i drive down to IL for a week. NOT COOL!!!

today was really hard for me tho. i had to say bye to all my friends…i cried so many times. and when i said bye to chris and ash…OMG…i havent cried like that in like 10 yrs. it was really scary!! i walked away and found a place to sit and just fell on the ground and cried my eyes out for 20 minutes…then shane came by and was like whoa whats up, what happened. and i was like i dont feel like talking and hes like you said bye to chris and ash didnt ya. and i was like YEAH!! so he sits with me for like 10 minutes and we talk just about a lot of stuff to calm me down. and so then we walk home and my eyes looked better so it didnt look like i had been crying that much.

well then i get on the net and heathers on and she asked whats up and i just started to cry again, i was like oh shit not again…im not use to crying…its not COOL! so then she got off and i stopped crying and stuff and i got on myspace and i got a comment from heidi that talked about loving your friend. so i sent it to everybody. especially ash, chris, and leah. and then i wrote them all lil messages after. and then my eyes started to water up again but i controlled them this time. im not going to cry anymore…NO MORE!!

so that was my messed up day!! and wow this is a long entry…SEE YOU GUYS, i told you i would write longer entries once i moved…well this is a start of my long entry summer. lol

ok now dont be alarmed if  i dont write in here for a few days. im going to be so busy with the jet-lag and see everybody that i wont have time to write..if i do it probably will be short..but i will start to write long ones after everything cools down.

miss you all!! later




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