today’s news, tomorrow’s past


hi guys!! how are you doing? im doing alright!! im tired tho!! i should be getting new cds tomorrow…YAY!!! lol. chris is burning me some!! i burnt her some the other day!! well my last day in germany is June 9th. so, 19 MORE DAYS!!

ok so have you guys noticed that i dont write that much anymore?? well i dont know how many people have read my diary ever sence i started this…but i use write LONG entries. it would take me forever to type. and now its like i write really short ones and it doesnt take me long at all. i feel really bad for that. and im REALLY SORRY!! you know i still love you guys!!

and all my new friends on here. thank you for still putting up with me and reading my entries still. and i promise i will write longer entries soon. especially when i get to the states cuz there will be so much to tell you. well i better go





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no sorrys needed, thx for updating and besides this is your diary, so write what you want/don’t want. Liz