

hey guys whats up??? yeah i know i havent been on the last few days. and ill tell you why!!

on sunday was mothers day right?? well i got up and got ready for church and stuff and we decided to go out with the pleakes family for lunch. well we couldnt find a place that had seats for all of us. so we decided to have fondue instead and have everybody come over to my house. well we got home and i took the dog out and then go into something more confertable and ate something quick. and then i wanted to check my emails while my rents were eating. well my mom hollers my name from the kitchen and is like megan what did you do. and i was like wat and she goes why did you put dirty dishes in the dishwasher when the dishes are clean?? i was like i didnt know they were clean and she gets all pissed and is like your so f’ing lazy and im like no im not. and she goes yes you are the only thing you do is go on the computer. i have to ask you to do your chores. i was like thats not true. so we start to fight. and then my dad joins in and is like your so lazy, you only think about yourself and stuff. and were like screaming at the top of our lungs at each other.  and then they were like were gonna take your computer away and you cant have it back while were here in germany. i was like fine whatever. and so were screaming some more and then i dropped something and water went all over the place. and my mom was like why the hell did you do that and i was like it was an accident and my dad goes yeah just like my fist is gonna be in your monitor in a second and i was like go right ahead but i will totally trash your computer then. and he was like no you wont and i was like TRY ME!! and so were screaming somemore…and i can totally tell that our neighbors can totally hear us. and so then later on my mom is like if you do your chores without us asking and not talk back to us all the time you might be able to get your computer back before we leave. and i was like whatever and then she goes well if you dont do it now then you might and i mean MIGHT get your computer back when we get to the states and my dad hollers from the other room…If she even lives with us when we move back. and i was like living with a homeless person would be better then living with YOU!! and my mom was like STOP IT…shes gonna live with us and thats that. and i was like um no i dont wanna live with an asshole like that. and my dad was like at least im not a spoiled lil brat. so this fight went on and on…until the pleakes came over and then i wouldnt talk to my dad anymore. and then YESTERDAY!!! my dad came home from work and was like megan can we talk and i was like no and he goes well i just wanna tell you that you can have you computer back tomorrow. and i was like thanks and goodbye and he goes alright you can still be mad at me but you need to do your chores without us asking and i was like thats fine leave….

well i better go…the bell is gonna ring soon. ill write later…bye guys


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