next week

hey guys,

well i just wanted to write this now so if i dont have time later i dont have to worry that i didnt write it. i wont be on for a week starting monday. im going to italy and wont be back until friday.

ok well sence i got that out of the way…whats up ppl?? hows your friday going?? mines good i guess. im going to the irish pub tomorrow!! its gonna be fun.

well i was looking on the net for prom dresses and i found one i think im gonna get. HERES the link: , i really like it!! so tell me what you think??

well april is gonna go by really fast. and then may will too and then im moving back to the states. im summer is gonna be REALLY busy! but i like it when i have a busy summer. it just means i dont have to sit around the house and say “what should i do”. but im deffinately taking sometime to lay out and get a tan. that is one of my number one things on my list!! i also need to go shopping. a month or so ago..i went thru my whole room and threw almost everything away. For example: old clothes, things i thought i would want later but now just think what the heck was i thinking. stuff like that!!

so i diffinately need to go shopping. i was looking on the net for cell phones too. my rents wanna get the family plan but they said i could get whatever cell i wanted…i was like YAY!! lol my uncle is paying for mine. and he made it clear that i have to get a cell that has a camera on it..hehe lol HEY…im not complaining about that one!!

i was thinking last night and you know how when i say i really really wanna get out of my rents house and stuff. well when i say its cuz they are really annoying…which most of the time they are. its not cuz of that. its cuz im just ready to get out. im ready to be in the BIG WORLD without my rents being there as my security blanket and whenever i need something they are right there. im ready to go thru life without them as that. im ready to have problems in my own apartment where i can be by myself and solve them myself. i mean i do solve my problems myself but not in my own house…in their house!! but i know they will always be here for me whenever i need them. and i will always love them for that.

well i better go. cya

much love!!


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April 8, 2005

ur apt? UR APT?!?! so we’re not going to be roommates…AH…i am so upset! OMG. IM HURT! *runs away crying* lol. well have fun getting an apartment here in the city…cheapest u’ll find is in spotsy…or atleast thats wat i’ve realized. well ttyl! ~heather

April 9, 2005

ryn: for one we’d have to get an apt where we could go to school close by…becuz w/ gass so f’n high (i’ve seen 2.25 here) and the fact we’d both need CARS i dont think it’d be quite that reasonable…haha! and besides…freeman high sux ass! i’d be glad to go anywhere but here! and u kno my feelings about spotsy 😀

April 10, 2005

I really like that dress. So pretty! Hope you had fun in Italy. Im going in summer.