
“Its been a while, sence could hold head up high, and its been a while sence i first saw you, its been a while sence i could stand on my own 2 feet again and its been a while sence i could call you.”

yeah im listen to that song right now!! its a really good song. so not a lot has gone on. havent talked to scott for about 2 weeks. like usual!! i txted him on sunday night and i almost said it was over but then i decided instead of him reading it on his cell with a text i would wait until he got his lazy butt on and then i will tell him. if he ever gets on. but then again. i mean im leaving in 2 months so why end it now when i know im just gonna pick him right back up when i get back to the states.

but anyways………………..

im tired. ive been tired for a VERY long time. im so tired of these years. i want to be by myself. have my own life. not have to worry about acting right in front of ppl. which i usually dont anyways but you know its the thought that counts lol.

so how is everybody doing?? me im good!! just hangin with chris, leah and ashley. well i better go. take care you guys!!

msg me!!

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April 5, 2005

ryn: im doin my best but if i stay here any longer my cuts will get deeper and it’ll end all together…but i’m trying to hold back…and just think…in a lil over a year we can move out and get an apartment!!! JuSt ThInK aBoUt It!!!!

thx for the note, for your entry why don’t you try doing something for yourself, I don’t know, if they are your friends just be yourself, they’ll still like you for who you are, or at least they should and if they don’t then they aren’t really your friends. Oh well, just my opionion. Have a good day! Liz