
ok im sorry guys for freaking out yesterday…just yesterday really got to me. and to make it even worse i started to talk to my ex from like a year and 5 months ago…well we’ve been talking for a while now but he has never stayed on for like 2 hours to talk to me and well we talked for a long time and he was getting pissed and everything but he wouldnt tell me why…and finally he was like “well im pissed cuz i still like you and you’ve moved on.” so im all like well you could of told me this a long time ago..and he was like “i have”, he was like “you dont care about my feelings and i still really like you” i was like well damn it brian…you should of told me this when we broke up, you cant just wait a year and 5 months to tell me and expect me to just fall all over you…and he was like “well it dont matter now, i dont want you cuz you moved on”……..BY THIS TIME I WAS PISSED AGAIN!!

so we kept fighting back and forth and then he was like well can i call you for 2.5 seconds…and i was like no…and he goes why not i just need to talk to you for a few seconds and i was like well if you need to talk to me then talk to me on here…what ever you have to say you can say on here…so he gets really mad by this time and then i was like well i gotta go and he was like “wtf why?” and i told him i had to go cuz my rent wanted to use the computer and he was like “well ill miss you can i call you when you get off” and i was like no.  so he was like w/e….


ok as i was saying cuz i couldnt finish it up in german class so i waited until i got home lol…ok so yeah it was bad…but the only bad thing is i still do have feelings for me…i mean not that much that i would dump scott for him but i do still care for him and how he is feeling but i mean he cant just blame all this on me….he should of told me a long time ago that he still liked me like that…i just thought we were friends…but i guess not. so yeah i was kinda worried to get on aim when i got home but his status says away so im good for now…lol i wonder what he is gonna say when we talk again tonight…i mean i cant just stop talking to him cuz he said he still really liked me…what kind of person would i be then?? well anyways i better go so you guys can read this and i can go note my buddies cuz there just awesome….especially the ones that NOTED me in that last entry…YOU GUYS ROCK….LOVE YA FOREVER LOL

so yeah cya guys lata

if you wanna chat sometime i have all 3 messangers lol (yeah i know i have no life!!!), aim: angelbabygurl501    yahoo:       msn:

alright cya


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ahha wow.. i mean i no ur pissed but it is kinda cool to no a guy is alllll over u.. lol ryn: yeah thats how i felt in this town for a while but im used to it now.. ive got my friends and its cool.. Love ERin

It’s hard….Love is hard, emotions are hard. But I hope that whatever you guys decide on doing I hope that everything works out for the best.

February 3, 2005

ryn/i kno how u feel about gettin notes from ppl. cuz u kno that someone cares enough 2 read ur diary and leave a note on your entry, u know? lol. dont have any idea on what to tell u about brian…just look at it this way, who do you care more about and wanna be with more, brian or scott? base it that way. and dont worry too much about hurtin brian, he’ll get over it eventually, they all do^_^