the “spot”, thankfuls, and pics
He is back! 😀 Now besides the fact I can actually talk to him now for longer than just 10 minutes, he also surprised me when he got back by taking me to my spot on top of the mountain I live on. Now "my spot" is just about the best city view you can ask for. It has a wide clear view of the stars and you can see all the city lights and buildings. It also faces the west making it an amazing sunset view. The worst thing about the spot is its right behind some housing lots so sooner or later I won’t be able to get to it. Anyways, we stayed up there for quite some time, for a while shivering our asses off on a rock. He threw out a few corny lines like, "Wow this is beautiful but not as beautiful as you," and though I laughed it off its those lil things that sometimes make me go crazy, you know? Besides that nothing really new is going on. Can’t find a job to save my life….I’m so low on gas and down to just about no cash. I’m afraid I’m going to have to call my dad and ask for some more money….I HATE ASKING FOR MONEY! Eh! Well I think to help me get into a better mood before I go to bed I’m going to take Jessie’s idea and write 20 things I’m thankful for….hmm lets see.
1. A God who is always there and has gotten me through the worst of things.
2.Friends who put up with my crazy behavior and love me no matter what.
3.My family who support and believe in me.
4. Music…where would I be without it!
5.My dad’s financial support for my car, college, and other living expenses.
6. My Hyundai Elantra and its oh so wonderful 30+mpg!
7. My talent in art
8. My eyes….how could i get guys without you haha
9.Jack…my oh so beautiful Jackson guitar
10. A great church family who helps keep me on the right track.
11. Alex, my lil "nephew"
12. A very fast metabolism
13. unlimited mobile-to-mobile….without it my phone bill would be off the wall due to someone 😛
15. softball and football
16. atleast one good teacher this quarter 😀
17. Our valley sunsets
18. jared leto…*sigh*…cuz a girl needs some eye candy every now and then
19. Photoshop
20. Josh…for helping me realize a lot and in the end helping me become who I am today
and just cuz most of these pics are pretty old….heres a new one just cuz… tho its a bit blurry
Lovin the new hair, and your thankful’s totally rock! ryn: no worries about the song, my cuz gave me some good stuff and I’m well on my way now!
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I always thought my ex, Michiel, looked like Jared Leto. Goodness, he’s cute!
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ryn: Pineapple Express was good. Not great, but it made me laugh. Too much homosexuality based jokes. It got old.
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