NoJoMo 12
again… not much to write about.
i feel bad. i come on here to write for NoJoMo and i end up writing nothing. i’m feeling dead again. its been going on on an off for the last week. i don’t know whats causing it.
– noah
p.s. i don’t actually have a p.s…. not sure why i typed that.
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^_^ Thanks for understanding. Actually, if you want, it’d be easier to contact me via yahoo, or YIM. (it’s sugarmoth)
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You and me both…ugh
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::hugs:: 🙂
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I’m right there with you Buddy! *hugs*
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ryn- thanks, and it’s okay, not many people knew when exactly it was in advance, lol. *HUGS* oh, and nothing to write about is better than a whole lot of bad stuff to write about!
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*big hug* I know whatll cheer you up! Think of NoJoMo as NoahJournalMofo! Bwahaha… or something lol
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thanks for the note! Glad to hear she’s alive and well. God I have been the biggest lurker this month…I blame guitar hero addicitions…seriously it’s bad there needs to be an intervention or something…my house is a mess cause I come home from work and play 🙁
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Your p.s made me giggle. (((hugs))) Don’t feel dead.
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Seasonal depression at its finest? Let’s be strong, Noah, for each other. Okay?
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RYN: You already are Buddy! *hugs*
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noah–i’m worried about you. i just realized: it’s the sixteenth, and you haven’t even written a NoJoMo entry since the 12th. Have you been on here? Are you okay? What the hell is going on, noah? … i’m worried about you!
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you are a nojomo slacker! and you’ve got people worrying about you! shame on you!
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I gtg but I will be back! I just wanted to check on you! =)
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RYN – You are such a sweetheart, have I mentioned that lately? ‘Cause it’s true 🙂 How are you doing; I haven’t talked to you in a bit. My fault, of course, I haven’t been on AIM much lately. *hugshugs*
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ryn; Thank you. A lot of people look down on my book taste because it’s not dickens or shakespeare but it is what it is. I love a range of variety in books though.
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*hugs* x 10000 feel better!
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RYN: Mostly cause it was funny. Srsly, who leaves their house WITH a ninja assassin?
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RYN – I do get that, it’s just like.. after 4 years, you’d think it would get better, not worse, you know? *shrugs* Oh well, both his mother and father (and their respective new loves) live 4 hours away, and I only have to deal with them every few months, so it’s all good! LMFAO! How are you, my dear? Talk to me. I’ve been thinking, worrying, about you. *massive hugs*
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lmao. You are funny. And yet your entry made me a bit sad. So big hugs for you! *HUGS* Thanks for the advice. I’ll try that. LoveAlwayz, Stephanie
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what the hell is this nojomo stuff, everyone is doing it. ryn: we DO have alot of catching up to do lol. missed u! x
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hehehe well you seem to be going well with at least writing something for nojomo! 😛
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ah.. i’d tell you to ‘cheer up’ but i’m not in the mood to cheer up so how can i tell others to? thanks for the kinds words though. i think this stuff might work.
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ryn: lol actually no..i do not speak italian..i just looked it up. lol
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ryn: ta hon, your a good fella :] and thanks for the cute remark xo
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