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November 12, 2007


November 12, 2007

^_^ Thanks for understanding. Actually, if you want, it’d be easier to contact me via yahoo, or YIM. (it’s sugarmoth)

You and me both…ugh

November 12, 2007

::hugs:: 🙂

November 12, 2007

I’m right there with you Buddy! *hugs*

ryn- thanks, and it’s okay, not many people knew when exactly it was in advance, lol. *HUGS* oh, and nothing to write about is better than a whole lot of bad stuff to write about!

November 13, 2007

*big hug* I know whatll cheer you up! Think of NoJoMo as NoahJournalMofo! Bwahaha… or something lol

November 14, 2007

thanks for the note! Glad to hear she’s alive and well. God I have been the biggest lurker this month…I blame guitar hero addicitions…seriously it’s bad there needs to be an intervention or something…my house is a mess cause I come home from work and play 🙁

November 14, 2007

Your p.s made me giggle. (((hugs))) Don’t feel dead.

November 16, 2007

Seasonal depression at its finest? Let’s be strong, Noah, for each other. Okay?

November 16, 2007

RYN: You already are Buddy! *hugs*

November 16, 2007

noah–i’m worried about you. i just realized: it’s the sixteenth, and you haven’t even written a NoJoMo entry since the 12th. Have you been on here? Are you okay? What the hell is going on, noah? … i’m worried about you!

November 16, 2007

you are a nojomo slacker! and you’ve got people worrying about you! shame on you!

November 16, 2007

I gtg but I will be back! I just wanted to check on you! =)

November 18, 2007

RYN – You are such a sweetheart, have I mentioned that lately? ‘Cause it’s true 🙂 How are you doing; I haven’t talked to you in a bit. My fault, of course, I haven’t been on AIM much lately. *hugshugs*

November 18, 2007

ryn; Thank you. A lot of people look down on my book taste because it’s not dickens or shakespeare but it is what it is. I love a range of variety in books though.

November 18, 2007

*hugs* x 10000 feel better!

November 19, 2007

RYN: Mostly cause it was funny. Srsly, who leaves their house WITH a ninja assassin?

November 19, 2007

RYN – I do get that, it’s just like.. after 4 years, you’d think it would get better, not worse, you know? *shrugs* Oh well, both his mother and father (and their respective new loves) live 4 hours away, and I only have to deal with them every few months, so it’s all good! LMFAO! How are you, my dear? Talk to me. I’ve been thinking, worrying, about you. *massive hugs*

November 19, 2007

lmao. You are funny. And yet your entry made me a bit sad. So big hugs for you! *HUGS* Thanks for the advice. I’ll try that. LoveAlwayz, Stephanie

November 19, 2007

what the hell is this nojomo stuff, everyone is doing it. ryn: we DO have alot of catching up to do lol. missed u! x

November 20, 2007

hehehe well you seem to be going well with at least writing something for nojomo! 😛

November 20, 2007

ah.. i’d tell you to ‘cheer up’ but i’m not in the mood to cheer up so how can i tell others to? thanks for the kinds words though. i think this stuff might work.

November 20, 2007

ryn: lol actually no..i do not speak italian..i just looked it up. lol

November 21, 2007

ryn: ta hon, your a good fella :] and thanks for the cute remark xo