music is the spice of life
yes, i actually believe that quote.
course, if i didn’t, i’d be in a world of hurt wouldn’t i? lol
i was gonna say something and i can’t remember what it… oh yeah! i am currently listening to Björk, but not just any Björk. its a jazz cd she did (its an import). its all in icelandic. its crazy, but fun at the same time. there is a really cool samba song that just gets my big ol’ booty movin’ in my chair. its fun! so yeah… i really do listen to everything.
i was reading someone’s blog on MySpace the other day and she stated that she liked all music… except for opera, country and polka. to which, i messaged her. i will sum up the conversation.
me: have you ever listened to opera?
her: yeah… once. i didn’t like it.
me: why didn’t you like it?
her: it was too crazy. it didn’t make any sense. besides, they sing too loud. [insert me rolling eyes… yes, at this point i should have realised to end this conversation]
me: what opera was it?
her: i don’t remember. i just know i didn’t like it.
needless to say i gave up. its funny, because i then started looking at what i listen to (just to make sure i wasn’t being a hypocrite). and i thought to myself, i don’t particularly care for rap… but then realised i have quite a bit of rap on my computer. not a huge amount, but good stuff. Humpty (one hit wonder), Tupac… you know what starts to get on my nerves about rap (and i could be seriously wrong about this… please correct me if i am) is the lack of good rhymes. it used to be about good rhythm and timing of the words, not just the words. now its more people just free talking over a beat. where is the skill in that? i know writing those words can be difficult, but if you can’t be even remotely rhythmicly challenging, then why bother?!
oy… next… polka, i’ll admit. i love polka. i’m nowegian/german, what i can i say! 🙂
what else? heavy metal, oh yeah baby… emo (as bad as i find this type of music, i do like one or two bands). i can’t think of any other… oh, country. yes, i even like some country. however, i’m not huge on this one…
um… i totally have petered out on this topic. i thought i would be able to rant longer. boy was i wrong.
i’m tempted to not post this entry, but if you’re reading this than i was too lazy to actually not post. (is that even possible? i would think it would be more work to actually post it than not… oh well. don’t question!!!!)
have a nice day!
– noah
Sweets, just thought I’d let you know that I’m having a bitch of a time reading your diary with your new colours. I really am. And I would be inclined to say that I don’t like most opera, either. I’m obsessed with Mozart’s Magic Flute, but other than that, haven’t run into anything that I really enjoyed.
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i think any given music – given the right timing and circumstance , can rock someones world 🙂 *waves* random noter here
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Totally agree music is the spice of life. It’s soul, it’s melody, for me it gets me through many things.
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