Um…  i’m not sure how to break this all to you… or to myself for that matter.

i got engaged last night!!!!!

like… i went to the piano bar by myself… i actually approached this beautiful woman, we seemed to hit it off…  a couple drinks later we realise its too loud and leave. 

next thing i know we’re back at my place doing things i never thought possible, and BAM!  i proposed to her this morning and she said yes!  we’re going shopping for a ring after breakfast.  how crazy is that?!

i’m wondering what the rest of the weekend is planning out to be like…

– noah












p.s. April Fools Day. 

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April 1, 2006


April 1, 2006

man i totally fell for that i was gonna leave a concerned about moving too fast message and now i feel foolish hahahahahaha good job 🙂

April 1, 2006

I totally went all O_o….lol Good one babe….good one. ^_~.

April 1, 2006

Hahaha you got me! Although it’s midnight here and I’m reading this… teehee Donna x♥x –

April 1, 2006

Ha. I’m obviously not as gullible as your other noters.

April 1, 2006

man i was gunna say, she musta been REALLY good in bed. haha

April 6, 2006

holy pete, i almost had a heart attack before I realized when you wrote this. I hate not having internet at home now..I miss so much! 🙂 RYN, thank you for your support. You are absolutely right..I do need to talk to her when she’s doig something wrong..she can’t know if I don’t tell her. I’ll be mindful of that.