enough stalling?


someone asked me an interesting question the other day…  actually, i should probably preface it first.

for those of you who don’t know, i’m a singer.  and opera singer at that…  and oddly enough for the last 5 months, i have done nothing but that… sing.  and i’m making a pretty good living actually.  i’m not rolling in the dough, or riding the newest benz, but i do have a moderately comfortable life (at the moment).

i was having dinner with a friend, and a few people i’d never met before.  when they found out i was a singer, they immediately asked me (this is normal) "But, what do you do for money?"

now, to be honest, this question gets on my nerves.  not just because its kind of probing (which i don’t mind at all) but because in certain circumstances, its down right rude. 

"I’m an Aerospace Engineer?" 

"Oh yeah?  What do you do for money?"

thats how it comes accross to me.  however, my friend (who works as a stage hand for the opera house and makes BUTT loads of money doing it) jumped in and said, rather gracefully, "Oh, that is how he makes money.  He’ll soon be richer and more famous than all of us combined."  course everyone at the table laughs and thinks this is a good jest and moves on.  don’t get me wrong, i don’t hate those people not in the arts community… but i don’t have to like them either… lol

so, then the next inevitable question is… "You work mostly at night I would assume…  what do you do during the day?"

"Well, actually I work most of the day.  The only time I work at night is when I happen to have a rehearsal."  to which they nod and then ask, "But what do you do all day that is work?"

"Well, I average between 7-9, and sometimes 10 hrs a day of practice.  Not all singing.  Some of it is translating text, or memorizing words, or even working on character development.  Granted I do alot of this while cleaning, cooking, or just sitting in front of a piano.  I’ll tell you though, I get just as tired throughout the day as most people.  Worse part is, I then sometimes have to go to rehearsal."

i started that diatribe with approx one person listening and ended it with the entire table having their eyes glued to me.  granted, that wasn’t my aim, but suddenly they realised that i don’t sit on my ass all day, then go and perform for them like a little monkey.  i work hard for what i do, and i’m not about to let some stuck up, pompous arsefaces walk all over my job as if i’m only there to service their wants…




and yes, i have no wit or insulting skill…


wow, that felt really good.  🙂

thats been festering for awhile.  i’ve been accosted about 4 times lately.  two girls i thought i would be interested in dating (which i quickly change my mind about), a man i met at a fund-raiser, and the aforementioned dinner…

good times!  lol

– noah

p.s. i just read through that and had an epiphany…  no wonder i can’t find anyone who’ll date me.  who’d wanna go out with that…  lol

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March 28, 2006

Ooooh pfft.. alot of girls would want to go out with that. You’re just not meeting the right ones silly!

March 28, 2006

I can see how that would get annoying.

March 28, 2006

That would be annoying. Like people asking me, “So do you fold clothes all day?”

March 28, 2006

Ahhh, My mum was a singer, in fact at one time all my parents (including step-parents) worked in the same opera company. Before my mum gave up the singing, we lived pretty damn comfortably. Not rich rich, but certainly more than average. People take it for granted that most ‘singers’ are out to try get rich and fail. Opera can be quite lucrative, if you work at it. Heh, but you know all that. 🙂