can’t think of anything witty for a title. how pathetic is that.
kind of the norm, isn’t it. noah=pathetic (on so many levels)
not to mention, i have NOTHING to write about. i’m just very… WAIT!!!! i do have something to write about.
(actually, i have two things two write about)
1) so, at the opera i have a "partner". we’re supposed to look like a couple. i won’t go into much detail except to say that she has changed much of the blocking (so much so that i don’t think its been the same since rehearsals) and she argues with everyone, and embarrasses me infront of the directors (i have never been more embarrassed…) anyway, last night we waiting to go on and describing what we did on our day off. i casually mentioned that because i’m not technically in school anymore, and because i’m waiting to hear from Seattle about the audition that i wasn’t doing my grad school apps yet, i realised i had absolutely NOTHING to do yesterday. it was by far one of the more boring days i’ve ever had…
but before i could finish my thought about how bored i was, she interrupted and told me this…
"Well, you had plenty to do! Like READ (she put stress on that word) your BIBLE! And pray!"
this of course, getting me into a rage as i do not like to be told to have to do anything in the first place, let alone things having to do with reading and praying… i told her (to her shock) that i don’t even own a bible, although it is a nice work of fiction and i should on at least one copy for my book collection. which of course lead to a debate about me going to hell and that i was a heathen, blah blah blah…
i told her, i didn’t actually believe in hell, nor did i really believe that any God would send people there. either way it didn’t end well and we went on stage to pretend we liked each other even more… quite rediculous actually.
i know i’ve never talked about my "faith" as it were on here. needless to say i think that is for me to find my own, and not to press upon others what i think. that being said, i believe in evolution, but that evolution is far to complex to have just "happened". now, don’t take that to assume that i believe that intelligent design should be taught in biology classes. i heard an interested idea of it appearing in philosophy however…
anyway, i digress. to have her presume that because i didn’t read the bible and pray (which, isn’t entirely true either) and then assume i would go to hell for it kind of hurt my feelings. why do people have to be so… so… *sigh* nevermind…
2) i came to an interesting conclusion the other day. i was reading a small excerpt from one of your diaries to my roommate (and close friend). we both laughed at the comic approach taken by the author and applauded the wonderful effort that was put forth thus.
he then asked me, "is this a friend of yours?"
i went to reply and stopped myself. i had originally planned to say "not really… we just read each other’s diaries. but then realised to say, "yes. they are a friend of mine. one of my favorites."
this is more than just writing notes to each other. this is a community of friends. and like friends sometimes they drift apart.
meanwhile i wanted to say how much i appreciate you all and enjoy reading your diaries! much love to you all!
– noah
Hmm, interesting. I shall read more
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🙂 I love you Noah. And all of your insightful knowledge. kristin.
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