so me thinks i’m out of a topic?! *EDIT*


wanna know something?  i have no self-control…  nothing new actually.  however…

ever hear of a bibliophile?  lets take this word apart shall we?  Biblio – book, phile – One that loves or has a strong affinity or preference.

together – one that loves or has a strong affinity for books.

i realised something recently.  i am a bibliophile.  i love books.  at first i thought, na… can’t be.  but recently i have doubted myself… (as if i’d actually have a problem with being a bibliophile). 

its all about my eccentricities.  i like being eccentric.  the hats, the canes, the trenchcoats.

and my books.  doesn’t matter what it is about.  hell, i just got T.S. Eliot’s letters.  his complete letters (to friends and what not).  very impressive.

its weird too… i just started grabbing books, alot of times because the cover looked interesting. 

granted i’ve got some shitty books that way… lol

there are major drawbacks to this however.  i now have many many books.  more books than i know what to do with… and i want MORE!  old books, new books… antique books.  books that look cool. 

(will continue after getting some food)


so i finally got some of my books on shelves here at the apartment.  i need more shelves.  if they weren’t so expensive then it wouldnt’ be such a big deal, but seriously… $60 for a nice bookshelf, i don’t think so.

um… yeah…  i also came to the conclusion i have over 600 books as i was trying (note the word trying) to unpack them today.  DOH!

i’ve read most of them.  i think the only ones i haven’t finished (yes, i start books all the time and don’t finish them… and they all have bookmarks still in them) are some of the ones i got from my grandpa’s stuff.  some really good ones i might add.

so… yeah… i have too many books.

thats not even cound my music books?!  *eyes look towards music shelf* a rough estimate? i’d stay 180 music books.  just a guess though.

anyway… i’m gonna start a new entry.

– noah

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June 23, 2005

There are a lot worse things that you can be than a bibliophile. I’m one myself, and it’s one addiction that won’t kill you, which makes it better than most. Later Eric

June 25, 2005

I think it’s a good thing…I wish I was, but I always fall asleep because I read at night…ugh. 🙂 Heather—->

‘the hats, the canes, the trenchcoats’ Ha! That’s awesome. Do you really wear those? And btw, I’ve read through a few of your entries and I’m really enjoying your I think I’ll favorite you. -Ang