Here’s a question for you… *EDIT*
before i move on to my topic of the day, i’m gonna say a few quick words.
i know this isn’t the end of the unhappiness, and i know it will be a hard struggle. but i realise now its not forever. not even slightly.
so i want to thank someone, she knows who she is *smiles softly* for pointing out that letting go is more important that clutching to nothing.
without further adieu…
i know OpenDiary does their own topic of the day, or week… or whatever. but i thought i might do a quick rant about something i thought of. tell me what you think.
Why is "Evil" so friggin’ ugly?!
while watching Hellboy a thought came to me. "Why is Evil so friggin’ ugly?" lets think about this alittle… Sameil (i think thats how you spell it) the hell hound in Hellboy. is it not one of the more ugly things you’ve ever seen?! and the bit of "the master" that came back with Rasputin, that eventually erupted from his body? that was just downright hideous!
then i asked myself, "Self, what other movies portray evil as ugly?" and i answered…
"Well… there is always Predator, or Aliens? Both of those "evils" were quite ugly. Both of which, I might add gave us nightmares for YEARS!"
"HEY!! SHH!!! People are reading this…" *nervous eye movements along crowd* "Don’t mind his lies folks!"
what are some other examples? how about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (a personal favorite!) Shedder isn’t exactly cuddly… or what about Aladdin? Jafar was not the epitome of beauty. here’s a good one… Fern Gully, Hexxus was kind of freaky was he not? Sleepy Hollow, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White… the list goes on.
seriously though. both Predator and Alien were quite ugly. ugly isn’t even the word for it. they were grotesque! but more than that they were portrayed that way (i think) to set an example of what evil truly is… or is it?
my grandmother has told me this several times in my life, "The Devil is not an ugly person, he is quite beautiful. Lucifer, one of God’s most beautiful angels, he felt himself better than God and turn against him. God of course cast him down. However, think of it this way. Sin always looks good when first wrought… but it is upon second glance that sin turns ugly."
i always thought it weird when i was younger, but now that i think about it… could be true.
anyway… i’ve had my rant. thank you! 🙂
– noah
p.s. i never said my rants would make sense… 😉
so i thought i’d make a quick reposte to one of the notes left…
David Bowie was/is, in no way… SEXY! EVER!!!!! NOT EVEN IN LABRYNTH!!!! *shudders* excuse me while i go vomit… lol
– noah
I think that Hollywood (and regular people) want evil things to be ugly so that they are recognizable and we are forewarned to stay away from them. I agree with your grandmother in that, we want so bad for ugly things to be evil, that when something/someone/etc is absolutely the best thing we have ever seen and then all of a sudden BAM we are hit with unspeakable evilness, we don’t…
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…categorize it as evil. So in all actuality, evil has us fooled because we are always looking for the wrong culprit. BTW…this is/was heavenseeker, Amber. Had some crazy bad things happen and I kinda lashed out and changed my name. Anyway, that is my rant answer to your rant question. ~hugs~
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I’ve never actually thought about how ugly evil really is…huh. I’m going to look for a beautiful evil creature and bring it back to you for your birthday…it’ll be sweet, no doubt. 🙂 Have a beautiful day. Heather—->
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Psaw! Jafar is one sexy mo-fo…I’d do him… lol, just kidding in a big way…. David Bowie in Labryinth was sexy though, seriously…
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eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!! I agree with you on the David Bowie thing. Even though I loved The Labrynth, he’s one ugly mo fo in it!
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::whines:: Heeeeeeeeeey!!!!!! Yes he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The attitude, the makeup…::shudders:: I think he was sexy…and I KNOW I’m not alone here, so mmm! ::sticks tongue out::
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Evil is often portrayed as ugly so that we, as humans, can recognize it and know that it should be avoided. A cute, cuddly kitten as an evil figure would never work, because people would never believe that it is evil.
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