and I’m allergic to eggs…
I’ve known that since I was a little kid… eat and egg, get really sick. Today, that was confirmed by a fancy skin prick allergy tests. I am NOT allergic to wheat, corn, soy or milk however. I have more allergy testing next week and the week after that. I’m not holding out much hope that it will be of much use to me.
I still feel crummy off and on, no more barfing every time I try to swallow anything, that’s always good. Still struggling to work 6 hours a day, 3 days a week. Not sure what I’m going to do there other then keep pushing along.
I’ll go next week to get the results of my CT scan on my kidney… seems pretty pointless to me… waiting so long… if it hadn’t been improving, I’d be needing dialysis about then… If the CT scan shows that the stone hasn’t moved, we’ll be working off a 2 week old CT scan to try to go in there and remove the stone.
After I finish allergy testing (well, in 4 weeks wether the allergist is done or not) I begin steriod injections in my ribcage for the pain I’ve been having there. The pain’s been there a little over a year, but significantly worse for the past couple months…. as in, it’s been keeping me up at night and I can’t lay on that side for very long (although it does make it feel better at first).
*big hugs* For some reason, and I hope you don’t take offense, I found this a little funny considering the extended metaphor in my latest entry… 😛 ~*
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