Wrap Up Survey

Make sure to check out my previous entry…

1) Best Drinking buddy?
Alexia, even though I don’t really drink anymore

2) Lifetime service award – Longest friend?

3) Newcomer of the year – newest friend?

4) High Point of the year?
Moving to England, seeing Paris, making selfless choices

5) Low point of the year?
When Hannah was diagnosed with cancer

6) Best holiday?
I really enjoyed Christmas

7) Anthem for 2006?
Oh, umm, Sexy Back

8) Any regrets?
No, I got my life together and did things right. Finally

9) Best Night out?
Mine and Alexia’s birthdays that weren’t our actual birthdays. and umm, parting in england

10) Worst Night out?
The night I was given GHB in england. I was SICK!!

11) Who Did You Spend Valentines With?
Adam, kind of. I mean we had that wierd relationship thingy going on.

12) Best relationship?
Jason Walters

13) Worst relationship?

14) First Gig of the year?
Oh, I saw some band in some city. Lol, I don’t remember much else.

15) Last gig of the year?
Umm, jeez. Probably Erik Van Horn. I can’t remember.

16) How did you spend your birthday?
my horrible roomate was moving out

17) Best decision made all year?
moved home

18) What are your plans for next year?
school, work, jason

19) Most stupid idea when drunk?
to send drunk texts

20) Biggest surprise of the year?
hannah getting cancer, dating jason

21) A phrase to sum up this year?
‘a sluit is a slut that does it’

22) Most commonly used word/ phrase?

23) Best Film?
V for Vendetta

24) Best Album?
Regina Spektor Begin to Hope or Christina Aguilera Back to Basics

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January 1, 2007
June 11, 2007