Part Thirty Five

1701. How will tomorrow be like today? i will still want to go home

1702. How would you react if a stranger pinched your bottom? flirt

1703. When was the last time you went on a date? march/february

1704. Have you ever ridden a horse? oh yes

1706. What is almost over? this part of my life

1707. What should you be doing that you are putting off? a shower

1708. How much would you have to change physically before you would no longer be yourself anymore? i’m always me

1709. How much would you have to change mentally before you would no longer be yourself anymore? my mind won’t change

1710. Would you rather be famous or notorious? notorious

1711. Would you rather have a necklace that’s dripping with diamonds or a blueberry farm? diamonds are a girls best friend

1712. Could you take first place in a beauty contest? ehh, not anymore

1713. Who is the biggest hypocrite you know and why? oh god, my boss

1714. Would you consider yourself to be more opinionated or bitchy? bitchy

1715. How long is it until your next day off? next saturday…so 6

1716. What sound is annoying you right now? none

1717. Imagine you’re taking a vacation with 4 people.

Who are they? alexia, mallory, melissa and jaime

1718. The five of you travel by plane. Suddenly your plane crashes down over snowy mountains. The pilot and the air crew and all the other passengers die.

The only way for you to survive is for one of you to get eaten by the others. Who will it be? mel

1719. Anorexia and obesity are two life threatening eating related disorders. Why is it that when it is discovered that someone is an anorexic they are rushed to the hospital, but when someone is obese they are not rushed to the hospital? because obseity needs to be treated at home with diet and exersize
anorexics need to be fed right away

1720. Who is your favorite smurf? i hate smurfs

1721. Why do you do things that you know are bad for you? they are so good

1722. How important is testing to education? not important

1723. What food group do you eat the most of (bread and pasta, meats and eggs and fish, fruits and vegetables, milk and cheese, sugar and butter)? starches

1724. Who is the most adorable person you know? Sadie

1725. If you had to spend a half hour locked in a dark closet with someone from school or work that you don’t normally hang out with who would you want it to be? oh god…any cute boy

1726. How often do you masturbate in a week? 0-1

1727. In the USA people work a full third of the year for the government, due to taxes. How do you feel about this? fuck the government

1728. Should people be allowed to use cell phones in their cars?no

1729. Have you ever been in the room while a human baby was born? no

1730. Have you ever been in the room while an animal baby was born? yes

1731. Did you see the video The Miracle of Life in school? maybe

1732. How do you feel about having a baby? ehh, undecided

1733. Have you ever had a tooth pulled? no

1734. Who are you waiting for an email/call/note/visit from? my real life

1735. What are you counting the days until? I GO HOME! 10 days!!!

1736. What is the greatest temptation for you? sleeping around

1737. How do you resist it? i don’t try

1738. Who is your knight in shining armor? sigh…a boy

1739. If you were walking and someone behind you yelled “HEY YOU!” would you turn around? maybe

1740. Do loud noises make you tense? if i am trying to sleep

1741. Has anyone ever told you that your epidermis was showing? yes

1742. Would you rather work or stay home with the baby? WORK

1743. Would you rather have people agree with you all the time or tell you the honest truth? honest truth.

1744. Will you/have you gone to your high school reunion? oh i will definatly go

1745. What do you think of your yearbook picture? i look sexy

1746. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer? hunter

1747. If you ever were to visit Hershey Park, the theme park based on the chocolate candy, would you enjoy going to the spa where you can be treated to a whipped cocoa bath, a milk and honey bath, or simply a chocolate fondue skin wrap? ooh, yes!

1748. If someone asks you to read a poem they wrote, will you really take your time to try and understand what they wrote and tell them what you think or just read it quickly and tell them that its really good? i won’t read it. i fucking hate poetry

1749. Do you feel that if a coincidence occurs it means something? always

1750. Were you beautiful as a child? yes

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April 23, 2006

nice survey..pretty long!