restart. restart.
i am applying to the production managment program at university of winchester. basically the training inludes classes in art production(front of the house, audience care, publicity) and stage managment(tech work). once graduating this three year program, i’ll be able to enter a masters program that is essentially a ‘company’
when i’m done, i could live my dream, and own a company. this program includes all the business and rough around the edges training i would need. it is fantastic. i know what i’m doing with my life, this is it. thank god.
so…now start the essays. i’m such a scatter brained writer. lots of brainstorming ahead of me…
so here we go…i’m going to answer the questions they ask…and start to construct an essay. any feedback is very much appreciated.
what is special, unique and distinctive about your life story?
i had a really easy childhood. when i was 10 i had brain cancer. i really blame everything else on that. having cancer created a really volitile enviorment with my friends, family and an even bigger battle within myself. i didn’t know whether to take flight or fight. after surviving that i tried so hard to seperate myself from my past life. i had lost a lot of friends due to my illness. i became moody, and detached. after years of rebelious behavior i finally crossed the line by running 1,000 miles away. i was hauled back and arrested. after that i got my act together. i began joining social clubs, made fantastic friends and became this ‘better than everyone else snot’
i was finally pretty and well liked. my vanity took hold and i became the class whore, i started to live off of what boys liked me and my self esteem was wrapped around bars and drinks. after years of turning my nose at those who stayed home for college, i implemented that own fate onto myself. i purposly failed my first semester of college. i was depressed, alone and resentful. after a year of tragedy and wasted time i finally got over my depression and moved across the ocean. i’ve conquered my inner self like no one else. i know who my worst enemy is. and it really is me. i’m terrified of leaving my perfect snotty world and becoming a success. because i don’t want to fail after having it so good. failure is easy, and i’ve been trained to be lazy. so the special thing about me is….i’ve figured it out. i had a damn hard life, i didn’t deserve any of it, and i’m still walking away from it all with a good head on my shoulders, a passion for many things, and the fear is gone.
what details of your life- personal challenges, people or events have shaped you or influenced your goals that set you apart from other applicants?
brain cancer-taught me that i can survive and i have the strength to pull through and conquer all.
running away-those who love you will never give up
failing smith-i’m to good for a mediocre life. and i have to work hard for what i want. that i’m not smart enough to sit in a classroom and look pretty, i have to try. and that my love is theater. there’s a reason i was so unhappy. first semester in my entire life where i haven’t had a drama class.
broken ankle-you really have to watch your own back. it is literally every man for himself. it made me realize who i can and can’t trust. and instilled a new sense of independence within me.
car accident-i may have my whole life to live, but it can be over at any time. live every day.
moving to england-i have what it takes. i can live in a foreign country and be happy. smith wasn’t about being away from home. it was just the wrong place for me. i feel rejuvinated and happy in enlgand.
overall, my life has proved that i thrive on learning enviorments. and that i’m so damn strong. i’ve failed a lot. but look at me now. the pieces are all picked up and i hae goals.
when did you become interested in your subject area and what have you learned about it so far?
i’ve loved theater since i was a little girl. at first i wanted to be a musical theater star. i always had leads in all the elementary school plays. in highschool i took drama class. where we produced our own play, episode 26. i was appointed head of set and props. it was really hard. loved it, the stress motivated me.
was involved in many shows. over 15 productions. loved it so much. have done everything from chorus roles to diresting with experience in all typed of crews. i am particularly skilled in running light boards. so much experince i can’t even go on. multi-talented.
it’s very stressful, long and odd hours. manual labor and power tools! it takes a serious balance of life and work.
how have you learned about this subject area through classes, readings, work or other experience?
FABULOUS MENTOR. John klak taught me everything i know. from operating a power drill, focusing a light and simple things like stage make-up. his classes are run with a genuine expertise. six semesters of theater. read many plays in other classes. study light and set designs at other shows.
what are your career goals?
i’d like to stage manage. i have this image of me running around in black sweats. collapsing on stages i fits of stress and darting inbetween light and sound boards.
i’m not looking for some get rich quick career. i’d just like a modest living with fantstic possibilities.
to be continued…..