I cried this morning but…

things are looking up. I was sad about losing sabrina as a friend. I was sad feeling like I wouldn’t have anyone really outgoing crazy and fun to go to sonshine with like sabrina. I was looking foward to her going and sometimes even writing these things makes me feel selfish because I don’t want her to feel I am forcing her into anything through me feeling depressed about it, IF IM DEPRESSED ABOUT IT ITS NOT HER FAULT just want her to know that and do what makes her happy. Things are looking up because kari and tionna and probably james are coming along. Tionna and James don’t have any money but we are going to try and do this thing to sneak them in. When you pay you get a wristband so everytime you go into the concert area you show it to prove you pay. Camping is free for everyone so you don’t need a wristband for that.What we are going to do for Tionna and James is that we are going to have Kari take off her wristband once she gets in the concert area because once your in there they don’t care anymore. Then I will take her wristband in my pocket and give it to tionna then I will go in with tionna. Then the same with James. This worked last year with this guy josh we brought along. And plus even if you do get caught without a wristband in there you can just say you lost it while you where moshing or something. Fool Proof!

But I do have to say that even though now james and tionna are coming along I am still sad that sab might not come because why else she is FUN! My best friend, person I talk to about everything. 🙂

Anyways kari wants her comp back and i have to pee really bad so maybe write later, ive been writing a lot lately, I like it!

One more thing, I hate that my tattoo isnt healed yet I think its that im allergic to red tattoo ink 🙁 its a common thing and hopefully I am going to the shop today to figure this out what to do about it.

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July 11, 2010

ryn: yeah, when i frist went to take classes to become a CNA, i absolutely hated the idea because it such a dirty job, but as i work more and more i become to really like it, besides the stress, because the residents there do give you a different way to look at life. it gives me a good feeling inside. about mark, i don’t think he’s looking for that because he’s in a wheel chair, but i still feel

July 11, 2010

he wouldn’t want to get to know someone like me. i feel like everyone, besides the people who already in my life, should just stay away from me. it would be really nice to have another friend though.

July 11, 2010

well i really hope that plan works. right now im leaning towards going more than not going, but you never know with me because im so freakin indecisive lol =). hopefully it’ll all work out though.

July 11, 2010

ryn: lol yeah. sounds like a good idea to me. i’m gonna try talking to him again.