
I should be packing. I’m leaving the house in less than six hours and I don’t have a thing packed yet, nor have I slept. I’m terrible about this and I do it all of the time. This is just for a four-day trip, but I’ve even put off packing until the night before when I’ve been, like, moving. I really, really hate packing. Also, unfortunately, it’s snowing outside. It’s been in the 50s all week, and now the morning before I have to fly it’s snowing. The world is against me. 🙂

Instead of packing, I’ve been filling out surveys. God help me.

8 Firsts….
First Best Friend: Jamie, from when we were three until we were thirteen and turned into totally different people. I still miss her sometimes.
First Kiss: Adam H., July 1996, in camp on a bus heading to Toronto. That was a happy memory. 🙂
First Screen Name: Rickie77. Why 77? I don’t know; I was twelve. This was long before the days of screennames like XxXseXycUteEe1993XxX.
First Pet: …I’ve never had a pet. I had a goldfish once, but it killed itself.
First Piercing: My ears when I was ten. Three months later I discovered that when they healed, the skin grew OVER the back of the earing and I had to go to the hospital to have it dug out. I had to let the holes close up and didn’t get them re-pierced for a while.
First Crush: Ooh, probably this guy who was a grade ahead of me in middle school. It really started because I was immensely unpopular and trying to be like “everyone else.” Since everyone in middle school had a crush, I needed one too. I picked him because he was not only popular, but always really nice to me. And no, nothing ever happened.
First Music: The first CD I bought with my own money was Jagged Little Pill.
First Car: Eddie, an ’87 Chevy Cavalier. He was good to me for a while but eventually degenerated into a junkbucket on wheels. Well, mostly on wheels.

7 Lasts….
Last Cigarette: About . . . six weeks ago? I’m determined not to start again because I realized how much easier it is for me to sing when I’m not smoking.
Last alcoholic beverage: Glass of wine with dinner yesterday.
Last Car Ride: Monday of last week, when I had to go do some promotion for my job down at the stadiums. My co-worker drove me home.
Last Kiss: November, maybe?
Last Movie Seen: Brokeback Mountain on Christmas day.
Last Phone Call: This afternoon with my friend whom I met for lunch.
Last CD Played: Probably some random cast recording; I can’t really remember.

6 Have You Evers….
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yes, but not seriously. It’s generally a “what the hell were we thinking” kind of thing that can eventually be laughed about.
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Not seriously, but I’ve, like, jaywalked and stuff.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nah, I’m a goody-two-shoes.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Didn’t the last one want to know this too? No, I haven’t. But I intend to.
Have You Ever Been on TV: Heh. Whenever a news channel does a piece on the museum I work for, they tend to come film early in the morning before the crowds arrive. But they want the museum to look busy, so they ask the office staff to come down and look at the exhibits, and they film us. So yes, I’ve been on the news several times in the past year.

5 Things….
5 Things You’re Wearing: Sweatpants, t-shirt, uh . . . hair band, left slipper and . . . right slipper!
5 Things You’ve Done Today: Washed dishes, had lunch with friend, sat with said friend while he went for an HIV test, took shower, packed clothing for trip.
5 Things You Can’t Live Without: Love, showtunes, sunshine, Diet Coke with Lime, and sex. Not necessarily in that order.
5 Places You’ve Been: I’ve been to all the northeast states, Florida, Colorado, Ohio, and Canada. Going to Canada again tomorrow.

4 Favorite things In NO Order….
1. Theatre
2. Books
3. Black t-shirts
4. Vibrators. 😉

3 People You Can Tell *Almost* Anything To….
1. Jenwe
2. Shelley
3. Shoe. Not sure if I should use his real name.

2 Choices….
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die….
1. Sing on Broadway.


[ ] I am shorter than 5’4. (Nope! I make the cut by about a third of an inch.)
[x] I think I’m ugly sometimes. (Not always — but yes, sometimes.)
[x] I have many scars (Most of them unfortunately self-inflicted)
[ ] I tan easy (I don’t tan — I pink. I don’t think I’m supposed to be making all of these extra comments.)
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[x] have/I’ve had braces. (For a little over a year when I was 13-14.)
[ ] wear glasses.
[x] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (Breast reduction only, please. I don’t care how they look, I just want my back to stop hurting.)
[x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[x] I have more than 2 piercings. (Uh . . . Do pairs count? I have three man-made “holes” in my body. One in each earlobe and one in the cartledge of one ear. Does that count as two or three piercings?)
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[x] I have freckles.

Family/Home Life

[x] I’ve sworn at my parents.
[ ] I’ve run away from home.
[ ] I’ve been kicked out of the house.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday. (I’ve only come to this realization relatively recently — but I don’t plan on actually having them for a good long time.)
[ ] I’ve had children.
[ ] I’ve lost a child.


[ ] I’m in school.
[x] I have a job.
[x] I’ve fallen asleep at work/school.
[ ] I almost always do my homework. (I never did my homework when I was in school.)
[x] I’ve missed a week or more of school. (I missed the whole last month of seventh grade due to some horrible stomach virus. I think I took my finals in August or something.)
[ ] I’ve been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years. (I haven’t been in school for five years, but I was always on the Honor Roll when I was still there.)
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.
[x] I’ve stolen something from my job
[ ] I’ve been fired.
[x] I’ve skipped school.


[ ] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation. (Almost, but it never actually happened.)
[x] Disney movies still make me cry.
[x] I’ve peed from laughing.
[x] I’ve snorted while laughing.
[x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
[ ] I’ve glued my hand to something
[ ] I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[ ] I’ve had my pants rip in public


[ ] I was born with a disease/impairment.
[ ] I’ve gotten stitches.
[x] I’ve broken a bone.
[ ] I’ve had my tonsils removed.
[x] I’ve sat in a doctors office with a friend.
[ ] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[x] I’ve had chicken pox.


[x] I’ve driven over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I’ve been on a plane.
[x] I’ve been to Canada.
[ ] I’ve been to Mexico.
[x] I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I’ve been to Japan.
[ ] I’ve Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] I’ve been to Europe.
[ ] I’ve been to Africa.


[x] I’ve gotten lost in my city.
[x] I’ve seen a shooting star.
[x] I’ve wished on a shooting star.
[x] I’ve seen a meteor shower.
[x] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] I’ve been to a casino.
[ ] I’ve been skydiving.
[ ] I’ve gone skinny dipping. (This is on my list of “must dos.” Does anyone want to join me?)
[x] I’ve played spin the bottle.
[ ] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] I’ve crashed a car.
[ ] I’ve been Skiing
[x] I’ve been in a play.
[x] I’ve met someone in person from the internet.
[x] I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[ ] I’ve seen the Northern Lights.
[x] I’ve sat on a roof top at night.
[ ] I’ve played chicken.
[x] I’ve played a prank on someone.
[x] I’ve ridden in a taxi.
[x] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] I’ve eaten Sushi. (I’m not a very big fan, though.)
[ ] I’ve been snowboarding.


[x] I’m single
[ ] I’m in a relationship.
[ ] I’m engaged.
[ ] I’m married.
[x] I’ve gone on a blind date.
[ ] I’ve been the dumpee more than the dumper. (It’s pretty even, plus I haven’t had too many serious relationships.)
[x] I miss someone right now.
[x] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I’ve cheated in a relationship.
[ ] I’ve gotten divorced
[ ] I have feelings for someone who doesn’t have them back.
[ ] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. (That’s one thing I would never, EVER, NEVER do. Being in love means way too much to me.)
[x] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. (Because I knew that if I told him, he’d run away. And when I eventually said it, he did run away.)
[ ] I’ve kept something from a past relationship.


[x] I’ve had a crush on a teacher.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[x] I’ve been kissed in the rain.
[x] I’ve hugged a stranger.
[x] I have kissed a stranger.


[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
[ ] I’ve snuck out of my house
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.
[x] I’ve cheated on a test.
[x] ran a red light (Only once, and it was by accident. I was lost, looking for street signs, and I just plain didn’t see the light. Luckily, nothing happened.)
[ ] I’ve been suspended from school.
[ ] I’ve witnessed a crime.
[x] I’ve been in a fist fight.
[ ] I’ve been arrested.
[x] I’ve shoplifted


[x] I’ve consumed alcohol.
[x] I regularly drink.
[x] I’ve passed out from drinking.
[x] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[x] I’ve smoked weed
[x] I’ve taken painkillers when I didn’t need them.
[ ] I’ve eaten shrooms.
[ ] I’ve popped E.
[ ] I’ve inhaled Nitrous.
[ ] I’ve done hard drugs.
[ ] I have cough drops when I’m not sick.
[ ] I can’t swallow pills.
[ ]I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[x] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. (*sigh*)
[x] I shut others out when I’m depressed.
[ ] I take anti-depressants.
[ ] I’m anorexic or bulimic.
[x] I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it.
[x] I’ve hurt myself on purpose.
[?] I’m addicted to self harm. (I can control it. Now. Most of the time.)
[x] I’ve woken up crying.

Death and Suicide

[x] I’m afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals.
[ ] I’ve seen someone dying.
[x] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[ ] I’ve planned my own suicide.
[ ] I’ve attempted suicide.
[ ] I’ve written a eulogy for myself.


[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[ ] I own an iPod or MP3 player.
[ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic. (I did in high-school — not now.)
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[ ] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.

Political/Social Attitudes

[x] In general, I don’t like people.
[ ] I’m a feminist (I have some interesting theories about feminism that often get me yelled at. I’m all for women, but I don’t identify as a feminist.)
[x] I’m outgoing. (I’m outgoing, but I’m still an introvert. Sounds weird, but it’s both possible and true.)
[ ] I listen to political music.
[x] I’m Democratic.
[ ] I’m Republican.
[x] I’m liberal.
[ ] I’m religious.
[?] I dress fairly modestly. (Sort of, but I often can’t *help* my breasts from hanging out all over the place.)


[x] I can sing well. (I might be able to be talked into posting a recording of a recent show I did . . . )
[x] I’ve stolen an ash tray from a fast food restaurant.
[?] I open up to others easily. (When I trust someone, I’m an open book. I don’t trust a lot of people though.)
[ ] I watch the news. (I READ the news, thankyouverymuch.)
[ ] I don’t kill bugs.
[x] I hate bugs.
[x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[x] I curse regularly.
[x] I sing in the shower. (I sing ALL THE TIME.)
[ ] I am a morning person. (I’m nocturnal.)
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[x] I’m a snob about grammar. (SUCH a snob.)
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I twirl my hair
[ ] I have “x”s in my screen name
[ ] I love being neat
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I’ve copied more than 30 CDs in a day
[x] I bake well.
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue (Pink. I guess the colours of this diary make it obvious but I don’t think the people who only know me in RL would guess it.)
[ ] I would wear pajamas to school.
[x] I like Martha Stewart. (I like her, but I don’t really go out of my way to watch her or consume her products.)
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun.
[x] I am in love with love. (I love *falling* in love. And the best relationships are the ones in which you fall in love with each other all over again every day. I want that. )
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at myown jokes.
[x] I eat fast food weekly.
[ ] I believe in ghosts.
[x] I am online 24/7, even as an away message. (Except for when I’m hiding from people.)
[x] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. (All the time. I’m a geek, remember?)
[ ] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room. (I am a master of denial.)
[x] I am really ticklish. (And I HATE being tickled. Seriously, I don’t find it cute. *Don’t* do it.)
[x] I love white chocolate (It’s not really chocolate, but you already knew that. Still, it’s yummy stuff.)
[x] I bite my nails. (In cycles, on and off. I recently started again after stopping for about four months.)
[ ] I play video games.
[ ] I’m good at remembering faces.
[x] I’m good at remembering names
[x] I’m good at remembering dates.
[ ] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] My answers are totally honest

Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)

–Your Favorite–

Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Brownish, deep and mysterious.
His Music Genre Preference Doesn’t matter, as long as he’s passionate about it.
Height(estimate) 6’0″ or taller.
Age 25 to 30.
Personality Type Similar enough to mine that I won’t drive him crazy, but different enough to keep my on my toes. That’s specific, no?

–This or That–

Older or Younger Older.
Romantic or Horndog Romantic, with the understanding that sometimes it’s good to be a horndog.
Smart or Stupid Smart, and that’s not up for negotiation.
Fat or Skinny Skinny. I love skinny boys. I always have and I always will.
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular Skinny but muscular. In fact, muscular isn’t even really a requirement. I won’t argue with it though.
Punk or Preppy Neither — casual.
The Big Picture or the Little Things A well-balanced understanding of how the little things affect the big picture.
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present Neither. A small, thoughtful present.
Mixtape or Burned CD Burned CD.
Love or Lust Love. Love that occasionally turns lustful. (As you can tell from all my answers, I clearly want the “best of both worlds.” And I think I deserve it.)
Emotional or Just Not Emotional, but with the ability to see things from a purely logical viewpoint. I lack that ability so I need others to have it.
Sincere or Jokester Sincere. I’m the jokester.
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet There’s no such thing as “ugly and sweet.” Even the most hideous person becomes beautiful once you know him.
Sexy or Just Cute “Just cute” IS sexy.
Arse or Abs I . . . don’t really care.
Hair or Hands Hands. I don’t see how hair can make me scream or moan.
Dimples or Eyes Eyes . . . I love eyes . . .
Biceps or Calves/Thighs It doesn’t matter?
Teeth or Nose(some people are just weird) ???
Clean Shaven or Scruffy Scruffy! I love the scruff.
Rugged or Prim and Proper Someone in the middle, please. Rugged is nice but I don’t want someone who will refuse to wear a tuxedo to a friend’s wedding.
Countryboy or Cityboy: Suburbboy?
Date alone or With Friends Alone. Who needs friends?
Mama’s Boy or Rebel Without A Cause Heh. Mama’s boy.

–Have You Ever–

Dumped a guy because he liked you too much Not necessarily that he liked me too much, but that he came on too strong.
Loved a guy because he stalked you Ew. No.
Loved a guy because he hated you No.
Asked your friend’s crush out No.
Lead a guy on for kicks No!
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott Okay, yes.
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend What’s wrong with flirting?
Lied about not having a boyfriend No.
Lied about having one No.
Cheated No.
Been Cheated on Yes.
Had a crush on a gay guy Yes.

–Their Clothing(yes/no)–

Boxers? Sure, why not?
Briefs? Boxer-briefs. God those things are yummy.
Hat? Who cares?
Skater Shoes? What are skater shoes?
Pimp Shoes? Huh?
Band Shirts? If he wants to wear them . . .
Vintage shirts? I . . . don’t care.
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..? Uh, no?
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons? What?
Independent/DC? Who?
S&M/Little Devil? Am I old or something?
Fox/Thor? I’m so very confused.
Jeans or Shorts? I know what those words mean! Jeans are nice.

–Be Honest–

Would you ever date a guy for his money? No. I actually dumped a guy once because he spent too much money on me.
Would you ever date a guy for his social status? Not just for his social status, no.
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf’s friends more than him? Not more than him, but I have liked to hang out with my boyfriend’s friends in the past.
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better? Only enough to soften the blow, not enough to lead him on.
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys? no.
Do looks matter? To a degree, but not in the way the most people think they do.
Are you honestly scared of being dumped? Not really.
Does size matter? I hate to say it, but yes, although not as much as people would have you think. Even “average” or slightly below it is good enough. There are very few people who are “too small.”
Do you avoid ‘situations’ with ugly guys? Yes, but I don’t have the same definition of “ugly” as many people do. To me, jerks are ugly. Nice guys are beautiful. It has nothing to do with their faces.
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends? My friends aren’t ugly.
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be) When am I ashamed?
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf? Why would I hide things from somebody I love?
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence? No. Why would I want people to think I’m innocent? I’m dirty, dammit!
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat? Oh god, no!
Are you disappointed when your bf doesn’t say I love you right away? This is a tough one. I don’t have a good answer for this.
Wanna be a virgin till marriage? Ha! Uh, sure. Yep, I’m a virgin. I’m saving myself. Oh boy, I hope it’s good.
Do you really love the guys every time that you say it? I’ve never said it when I didn’t mean it. It’s too important to me.
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends? Yes.
Would you make out with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity? No. I’ll makeout with a guy friend when we’re attracted to each other and we want to make out.
Does this survey suck nuts? It’s kind of tame, but insightful.

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January 14, 2006

I LOVE surveys! LOL (because I have no life!) I am totally going to do this sometime this week. RYN~ Thanks! He’s adorable and I LOVE HIM so much! Smart, too! It’s great to be a mother! 🙂

January 15, 2006

DUDE! surveyssurveyssurveys! you really were procrastinating, weren’t you?did you like brokeback mountian?

January 16, 2006

hi, you dont kno wme but i found you at random and decided to steal your survey :). (i live in philly, too)… lol i know that has no relevance, but whatever. good luck with packing 🙂

January 23, 2006

congrats on the procrastination 🙂