Bastards and Beaus.

I’ve an audition this Friday, for a cabaret show here in town. It’s nothing especially prestigious, but I haven’t auditioned for anything in such a long time that I’m having panic attacks. I can’t choose a song to save my life. Uptempo songs are easier to choose from since there are so few that are audition-appropriate in the first place, but there is an almost infinite number of ballads to choose from, and I’m completely stumped. I’m like a child in that you can’t ask me an open-ended question and expect a prompt answer; I need a limited number of options to choose from. Do I sing a mezzo song or an alto song? A happy song or a sad song? A standard, or something more obscure? Something from a classic composer, or one more contemporary? I need HELP.I can’t believe that it’s been nearly a month since I last updated. It doesn’t feel like it’s been a month.

The furniture situation that I mentioned in my last entry has gotten much, much worse. First, the fugly leather couch was removed and immediately replaced with a fugly velour sectional. In the corner at the end of the hall, the neighbors left a table-frame, complete with a sign warning us to not touch it. Then an upright washer/dryer combo was removed from my neighbor’s apartment and parked just around the corner from the sectional. Several paint-stripped doors were propped up in the hallway at the same time, but they were removed before I could take a photo of them. One morning, someone had chained their bike to the railing next to the washer and dryer, leaving me without an inch of space to squeeze past.

I live with bastards.

So, I have a date tomorrow night. I know that I’m young and single and therefore I’m supposed to be interested in going out and meeting people, but I’m not. At all. I accepted this date for one reason only, and that’s because I didn’t have a good enough reason not to. He’s my age, tall, into artsy-stuff . . . and Jewish. At the very least, my mother will approve. On paper this should be great, but I really really want to not like him.

I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with me, or why I act like this. I’m so tired of being alone, but then I refuse to engage myself in relationships with people who are actually accessible to me. It seems like I only want what I can’t have, except that what I can’t have is what I really, really want.

Still, I’ll go out with this guy tomorrow, and we’ll have a drink together and talk and I’ll be my charming, witty self, and then at the end of the night I’ll do what I always do and dodge his kiss and turn it into a handshake or a hug, then I’ll avoid him and refuse his calls for a couple of days until he gives up and moves on to someone who actually knows how to be a human being. And I’ll be here. Alone. And waiting.

Hallway furniture pictures

Fugly velour sectional:

Washer/Dryer combo:

View of the secional and the washer together:

Don’t touch the table that’s left IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY:

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September 26, 2005

i see no pictures. =( you do live with bastards. hey-have fun on the date, k?

September 26, 2005

Haha. Discarded furniture should have little sticky notes on it with sad faces. Hope the date goes well. Seriously. Maybe this one will be funny, witty, and not anybody who reminds you of here.

September 26, 2005

(ryn): Oh, if you’re going to see THE MOVIE, you can bring me along as a tension-breaker. 😉

September 27, 2005

Hmm, not sure how to help you with your audition. The last few shows I’ve been in were very informal auditions with people who already knew me so I could pretty much sing whatever. I did Take Me or Leave me from RENT and All That Jazz from Chicago. You should do Fine Fine Line from Avenue Q. That song freakin’ rocks.

September 29, 2005

What the hell is going on in that apartment? Be happy I’m not there, I’d be dragging shit street-side and vandalizing it at 4 AM. Hope the date went well. I think we all could use some luck… if that’s not wierd to say… and I know it is, but I mean it.