Mmm, Fresh Babies!

Today at work, I received what is quite possibly the oddest e-mail I’ve ever read. This e-mail outlined how the “Bush Crime Family” is letting the U.S. Government be run by a group of Satanists. These Satanists perform a twice-yearly ritual on each solstice where they abduct and sacrifice a newborn baby. Allegedly, it is the drinking of this newborn baby’s blood that gives them the strength they need to maintain their power. And then the e-mail asked for money to help expose this “scandal” and put the Bush Crime Family behind bars.

I mean, look. I hate Bush just as much as the next guy. But Satanists? Come on.

How long is it supposed to take for a sprained ankle to heal? I ask this because I sprained mine about six weeks ago. It wasn’t a bad sprain, and there was never a point when I couldn’t walk on it, but I did need to wear a support for about two weeks. I thought it was fine, but earlier tonight I tried to paint my toenails and I discovered that it hurt to bend my ankle the way I usually do when I paint said toenails. Now I’m worried that it’s never going to fully heal and that the next time I might slip on a staircase or something, I’ll end up with a really bad sprain. Is this normal? Should there still be that pain six weeks after a sprain?

Ooh. That rhymed. Maybe I’ll write a song. It’ll be called The Sprain Refrain. I’m so clever!

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June 22, 2005

once, i sprained my ankle and it didn’t heal for AGES. then again, i started a job at a restaurant literally a few days later, so i never let it rest/heal properly. yoink. i saw a report once claiming that Bush Family Inc. are actually aliens sent to destroy our world. yeah. so im guessing that whole “vomit on the Japanese guy” thing Bush Sr. did was a shout out to his peeps back home. 🙂

June 22, 2005

Hm, I’ve never sprained anything, which is odd considering the amount of gymnastics and dance classes I took when I was younger. I personally blame Bush for everything. If it rains, if I chip a nail, whatever. His fault.

June 22, 2005

Could be a fracture. I was in Color Guard in high school and my ankle took a beating from a metal pole…it was three years later that my doctor told me I had fractured it my freshman year and it had healed all goofy. Now I have arthritis in one ankle at 24–gah. I hate 15-year-old me. Get it checked out!

June 22, 2005

I’ve broken many a bones, but never had a sprain, so I dunno, deario. I hope it feels better soon. Yeah, so Bush contacted me about my unborn, asking if he could “babysit” after s/he’s born…I know what’s up; I got the e-mail. Bastard ain’t taking my baby. Britney Spears is about to have one – he can take hers.

June 23, 2005

ew, babies.

June 24, 2005

I hope your ankle is doing better. That sounds pretty bad, like maybe you hurt it worst than you thought or keep rehurting it. I dunno.. Thank you for your note, love you

July 11, 2005

LOL, hey, with that family, you can never be too sure…. *snorts* Hey I can pretend at least, cause, well, it would explain why this country is so screwed right now… LoL. Mel