Bullsh*t Interview


Hey guys! I’ve been a lil busy the past little while, but I have a few minutes and wanted to update you on the job situation. I will update on other things later today, but this couldn’t wait.

I get to interview for my job today. That’s right, I said MY job. The job I got laid off from back in December? Yeah… they put an ad on Craigslist for it last week. So, after being irate and soooooo pissed off for a few minutes, I updated my resume and went into as much detail as I could as to what I did when I worked that position. Then I sent it off to Nor-Lake. I think that was on Tuesday…

So, I wait for the next few days, getting more angry as each day went by that I didn’t get a phone call. I was talking to a friend of mine that works there and I told him that if I didn’t get a phone call by Friday then I was just going to say fuck it and give up. Obviously not worth my time, as much as I want to go back, if they didn’t see that it would be better to rehire the person that WORKED THAT POSITION for almost a year, then it wasn’t worth it.

Friday comes and I’m on pins and needles all day, waiting and waiting and waiting. Getting a lil depressed about midday. Sat with the girls on the couch chilling watching a movie. Then I went into the kitchen and started doing dishes and folding laundry about 3:00. Watching Charmed on TNT all the while lol The workday at Nor-Lake ends at 3:30, so when that came and went without a phone call I was not happy.

A little after 4:00 and the phone rings. It’s Nor-Lake. I answered, and it was the head HR guy, the same one that laid me off last year and was smiling the entire time. He says, "Hello Nichole, this is so-and-so from Nor-Lake." I said "Yes, nice to talk to you again." He sounded a lil confused when I said that, which made me mad. Obviously didn’t remember me. Rar. He said, "We’re VERY interested in interviewing you for the position we have open. Would you be available Monday to come in for an interview?" I said yes, and he asks what time would work and I told him anytime. He checks the schedule and tells me that 11:00 would work Monday morning. I said ok and thank you and I will see you then.

So… It’s 10:04am and I have to leave in about 25 minutes for my interview to GET MY JOB BACK. Complete bullshit if you ask me, considering the fact that when I was laid off, I was told that I would be one of the first people called back to work. Not INTERVIEWED to work, but to be rehired immediately when business picked up. Grr. I shouldn’t have to do this. That’s why I’m mad. But, I’ll get over it, and when/if I get rehired, I will prove to them that it was stupid for them to find someone else to do the job. I have all my cheat sheets with my system commands and procedures on them, so I am going to look them over one last time before I leave.

That’s all I wanted to let you all know right now. I will write another entry later I’m sure about everything else and how the interview went. And, of course, I will let you know when I know if I got the job or not.

Cross your fingers (and toes!) for me!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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April 27, 2009

Ohhh,that sucks! It’s going to be hard to go in there and not be all, “Hey! What happened, you ass!?” 😛 GOOD LUCK!!

April 27, 2009

Lol, I agree with the first noter! But, I say do your thing and get the job BACK, THEN start asking questions. Lol. Good luck!!!!!!

April 27, 2009

Hey good luck, I hope you get back. You SHOULD get it back, seeing as it was yours in the first place 😛

April 30, 2009

Unbelievable, you would think that they would first hire back the people they laid off, (I guess they will, just not know it) or at the very least remember that you had worked there in the past. HR is the worst waste of money a company has, they are completely useless. Not that I’m bitter…lol It’s disgusting that they would invest so little time and effort to the hiring process

May 2, 2009

**Hugs** Hope it went well!