No Hot Water=Blows


Oh happy day. Went out to dinner with a couple people last night. Kids and I came home about 7:30 and walked into the house and were immediately assaulted by the smell of burning wiring. Not good. I smelled that smell before. A couple years ago when an outlet was frying a plug-in. So I went through the house and checked EVERY SINGLE OUTLET. Nothing was wrong with them.

Then I noticed that it smelled really bad whenever the furnace kicked in. So I shut the furnace off and opened the windows downstairs for a couple hours. Not completely sure if it was the furnace or not, so I turned it back on before bed. Kayla’s got a hacking cough and so she slept with me until about 3AM. Woke up at 3 to the house smelling awful again. Turned the furnace off. Wanted to cry badly. Went back to sleep. Didn’t have to wait too long for the other shoe to drop. Ya know how bad things happen in 3’s! Kayla’s cough, frying wiring, needed one more!

Woke up at 7:30 (didn’t get much sleep, slept off and on being awakened all night from about midnight til 7:30) to Alexis having crapped in her panties. Not cool. Mommy not happy. Mommy cried from stress. The house didn’t smell TOO bad, and it was chilly, so I turned the furnace on for a few minutes while the girls ate breakfast and I ran their bath.

Called my parents to let them know what was going on, then called Freier’s Electric and Heating at 8. They said they’d be here about 9. Called the clinic and made Kayla a doctor’s appointment for 12:30. Talked to Alexis about not going potty in her pants, but to use the toilet. She knows this. I was very frustrated. We decided that we’d try ONE MORE NIGHT and if she had another accident, then we’d go back to Pull Ups at night until she was ready. She said she was sorry and forgave me for being angry.

Gave the girls their bath and waited for Freier’s to show up. He got here just after 9. Checked over the furnace and found nothing wrong. Even stuck a camera down the furnace to make sure something didn’t fall into the duct work and melted. Nope, clean. Then he noticed that there were black scorch marks on the side of my water heater. Oh no. Not good. Took the front plate off the water heater and the smell got TONS worse. Sure as shit, the wiring was fried. Wanna see?


Ain’t that pretty? Ugh. Could have been WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse though! I really need to get a smoke alarm down in the basement.

So now my dad is trying to get a price on a different water heating system. More energy efficient that doesn’t require a huge tank. So, until then, I’m out of hot water. I will just have to heat water on the stove for whatever I need. The biggest thing is my showers. I will have to heat the water and take a bath instead until it’s fixed. Good thing I gave the girls a bath this morning before this was discovered! They go back to their dad’s on Sunday. 

Well, I’m off. Gotta get a few things done before I take Kayla to the doctor. Hopefully there’s nothing too seriously wrong with her. I just feel so bad for my lil goober.  I’ll update later on how it went.

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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April 8, 2009

OMG! That could have been WAY worse! Yikes. I’m glad it was found. Hopefully you’re dad can find a good priced system. I don’t think there are many things that suck worse than no hot water!!!

April 8, 2009

Wow! You are SO lucky!! Thank god you had it checked out and they looked at the water heater! Boo on no hot water though.