Happy Spring!


Happy First day of Spring everyone!

Kinda crappy weather here for us. No sun, woke up to a dusting of snow. It’s melted now, but we’re suppose to get some rain mixed with snow later today. That will suck for driving!

Not a lot to share. Got a bunch of stuff done around the house this week. Tons of cleaning and organizing. Finally got all my pictures printed that I wanted for my little collage thing, that took forever! I also vacuumed, swept, cleaned windows, organized my front porch and garage, cleaned my oven, etc… Basically stuff that doesn’t usually get done with the girls here, or it takes forever.

Went out with my friend Jenn Wednesday night. Her brother is leaving today for training in Texas, then later this year he gets shipped out to Iraq for his second tour of duty.  He had a going-away party at one of the bars so we went there for a few and hung out and said our goodbyes. After that we went down to Bill’s in SV and had a few with some more friends. Was a long night, but a good one!

Jenn’s birthday is next week, along with our friend Andrea’s, on the same day, so to celebrate Jenn’s, her and I are going up to St. Croix Falls today to hang out with our friend Ashley for the night. Should be tons of fun! 

Got a few things to do before we leave, so I better get to it! Hope everyone’s Spring Day is a good one!


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March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!