





Holy cow, it’s been forever since I’ve been on here! Been way busy wtih everything that I don’t have time to be on here anymore. I don’t even know if anyone reads this anymore, but I thought I’d update it for the people that might.

 Alexis is now 4, she had her birthday this past Tuesday, the 23rd of September. She’s such a smart little girl! She knows how to spell her name, and can even write it so that it’s somewhat legible. She’s also (FINALLY) officially potty trained! That happened about 2 months ago I think for the daytime, and for the past week and a half she’s also been dry thoughout the night. She’s going through the typical changes of her age, pushing boundaries once again, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary. She had her first haircut a few months ago from my friend Andrea. She only cut about an eighth of an inch off it in most spots, just to trim up the split ends and even it out a little bit. Her hair is so long and beautiful!

Kayla is 20 months old now and is the spitting image of Alexis at that age. Also the beginning of the terrible twos, but I’ve been through it before, so I am handling it better this time around. She’s walking, running, jumping, climbing, falling, etc… She’s an agile little monkey, but also pretty clumsy, if that makes sense? She’s saying tons of words now, like mama, dada, papa, kitty, baby, cheese (also uses this for please), more, here, down, don’t know, no, yes, ya, etc… There are so many I can’t keep up! Her hair is ALMOST past the awkward stage, which makes me happy. I can fit it into a ponytail to keep the curls out of her face, if she’ll let me that is.

Now for the big stuff. Yes, Andy and I are getting divorced. I don’t remember if I wrote about it, but we filed on February 15th of this year. Our court date is October 21st, which is coming up so fast. We are still friends, we talk all the time, he’s over here a couple times a week to visit with the girls, and he takes them every other weekend to spend time with them and to give me some me time. His family is still treating me the same as they ever did, and I keep repeatedly hearing the phrase "No matter what, you’re still a part of this family. You’re never getting out." I love the fact that everyone is so supportive and that they aren’t treating us any different. Andy and I are agreeing on everything, which has made it a whole lot easier to deal with.

I suppose I can end this entry with a pic or two of the girls, huh? 🙂 Ok, I suppose! They were taken in July and August. Enjoy, and maybe I’ll be back soon!





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September 27, 2008

your girls are beautiful. I have an 18 month old

September 27, 2008

glad to hear all is well with u and the girls are gorgeous!!!

September 28, 2008

Aww the girls are getting so big!!! I’m glad you guys can be civil about it all and agree on a lot. That really helps things.

September 28, 2008

Was hoping you would of said something about the class reunion LOL…. glad things are going better.

October 1, 2008

I practically bounced in my chair when I saw you had updated 🙂

October 2, 2008

wow there growing up so fast!