My Year in Review

<—————–PICS THATAWAY—————–

My Year in review

Rules: Take the first sentence (or 2, or 3 or 4 whatever lol) from the first post of each month of 2006. That’s your year in review.

January 2, 2007: Anniversary, Baby

Today is mine and Andy’s 6 year anniversary! We’ve been together officially for 6 years now. It’s crazy! We’ve only been married for 3 1/2, but still! Time flies by doesn’t it?

The baby is driving me nuts! She’s constantly moving around and poking me and bringing me pain. I think she’s doing twists and turns in there. I feel her rolling around and it’s so uncomfortable. She must hit a nerve every once in a while, because all of a sudden I’ll get a sharp quick pain that goes to my pelvis. It may be brief, but it hurts! 11 more days of this? Goodness, I hope not.

February 1, 2007: 2/1/07

DANNY COMES HOME TODAY! YAY!! *jumps for joy* We’re all so excited! Andy came downstairs yesterday afternoon after waking up and rubbed his hands together excitedly saying "Danny’s home tomorrow! Yes!" He’s pretty happy, wouldn’t you say? My hubby and his friends, I tell ya. He’s so excited.

March 2, 2007: Holy Crap

Andy spent a LOT of money today! We went over to Heather’s to drop the girls off for the weekend, and of course we stayed there for about 3 or 4 hours talking and playing with the girls. We left there around 3:30 I think and headed up to Oakdale to Best Buy. Andy wanted to buy his new surround sound system.

April 1, 2007: Rotavirus

Ok, so, in the past couple entries, I’ve written about how Kayla’s got a tummy bug. Well, I figured out where she got it from. When she got her vaccinations on the 22nd of March, she also got the oral Rotavirus vaccine. Why? Because I’m stupid and didn’t think about it.

May 2, 2007: Been Awhile

Well, I see that the last time I wrote was Kayla’s 3 month. Wow, a couple weeks ago! So I mentioned the party and the freezer in the previous entry also. Okay… so, my life is way boring. Nothing has really happened since then, I don’t think anyways. Same old same old. Nothing new. The girls are doing great, and we’ve been spending LOTS of time outside, it’s been in the 60s and 70s here lately, which is wonderful! I’ve only been on the computer to check my email and that’s it.

June 13, 2007: Update, Pics, Video

Yes, I am alive! It’s been to beautiful outside the past couple weeks, I’ve been busy out there with the kids. Haven’t been online much, just enough to note and check up on everyone. That’s about it. We’re all good here! Went up to see my mom and dad a couple weekends ago with the kids, so that was fun. Got my new computer and everything, and it’s awesome! Mom and Dad had fun with the kids and couldn’t believe how much they had grown since they last saw them. Of course, it HAD been like, 2 months or so since they had seen them last. Oops. 🙂

July 5, 2007: Zoo & ER *EDIT*

But here’s my lil update first for everyone. Not much going on, as usual, just kinda chilling since it’s way warm here right now. Heather took the girls to the zoo last Sunday and Alexis had a blast as far as I can tell. Kayla’s still too young to really enjoy it, but maybe next year. Oh well, she got to see lotsa stuff that she normally doesn’t, and the got out to someplace new, which was the main idea.

August 1, 2007: Bridge Collapse, Prayers Needed*E

There was a bridge collapse on HWY 35W in Minneapolis, which is about 30 minutes or so from where I live. It’s pretty bad, lotsa traffic through that area. It happened at about 6:05 this evening, one person confirmed dead, at least 35 injured right now. We need all your prayers for all the people that were on that bridge and their families. It’s a very sad event, and we’re all hoping that the one fatality is the only one that occurred. There are 20 construction workers unaccounted for, so hope that they are all found and are okay!

September 8, 2007: Mommisms

1- "Don’t use that tone of voice with me, young lady (man)!
–Stems from every mom’s firm belief that she is the only one in the household entitled to use an authoritative tone of voice. The privilege of "tone" is not afforded even to the husbands, let alone children. It is "tone" that gives Mom her power. It is exclusively hers. To lose tone would be to lose everything.

October 27, 2007: Remember Me?

Hey everyone! I know you’re thinking, who is this woman writing? Do I know her? But yes, it’s me! I know it’s been a while since I wrote last, quite a while actually, but things have been way busy around here and I just haven’t had the ambition to write until now. This probably won’t be a way long entry, but just enough to update on everything that’s been going on.

November 6, 2007: Wedding & Pics(lots)

Hey guys! Would have posted these earlier, but I was out of town this weekendfor Andy’s cousin Nathan’s wedding. Had a good time though, except for late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Ugh… can we say "gut-rot"? Yuch… don’t drink very often, and I knew I was getting into trouble with those shots of Doc… I blame Andy’s cousin Barbie, and Patty the bride. But it was a good weekend and I got to see people I hadn’t seen in a long ass time, and they all got to see the girls (Andy’s mom and dad brought them) so it was all good.

December 6, 2007: 5:42 am

t’s 5:42 am, Kianna just got here 10 minutes ago and is napping at the moment… so I’m kinda bored. Kayla’s still sleeping, and Alexis and Kennedy are still sleeping. I think I should be sleeping, but more than likely, I’d fall asleep and the instant I do, someone wakes up. Gr. So here I am.


Wow, what an exciting year for me huh? LOL

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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December 13, 2007

Interresting; but fun! I’m not sure I’ll be doing that though, because I feel that there is so much more to life within the details of everyday; rather than of each month…What do you think? Have a blessed day!

December 14, 2007

RYN: I actually found their new doctor from People go and submit a doctor’s name and a review about them. Yes, NO PERIOD! It usually is completely gone within a year, and the IUD is good for 5. It is actually listed as the MOST effective birth control, even topping a tubal & vasectomy. It also contains no estrogen. Go here if you want to learn more.

December 14, 2007

This is so cute I’ll have to steal it one of these days! ryn:: thank you! I love that 4th picture, and it’s hubby’s favorite too!