Human Pincushion

The weekend was pretty fun. We went to the Dells and the girls all had a blast! I didn’t get pictures this year, but Heather did so when she gets them back I will try to remember to post some. Not a whole lot to tell about it until I post pictures. Waterslides (which I got to do this year, yay!), wave pools, hot tubs, lazy rivers, kiddie pools, etc… The normal water park stuff.

On to the title of this entry… I feel like a human pincushion. I’m sure by now that you all know that I live in an old house and bats show up every few months. I catch them in tupperware containers and let them go outside. Normally. Well, I went to the bathroom last night around 9:00, and I look up and there’s a bat flying around the hallway. Andy got the broom and trapped it against the wall, and I SHOULD have gone downstairs to get the tupperware container like usual. But no, I go into the bedroom and grab a PLASTIC BAG to put it in.

Now, I’m sure you’re all thinking, What the hell was she thinking??? 

I’m wondering the same thing myself…

As I put the bag around the broom, the damn thing bit me on my thumb! So I got to go to the ER last night, because everyone knows that bats are major carriers of rabies. I put the bat in a tupperware container for transport to the hospital, so they could send it out for testing this morning. I ended up having to get a Tetanus booster in my left arm, since I couldn’t remember when I had had my last one, and the first shot of the rabies series (there are a total of 5, given throughout a period of 28 days) in my right arm. I was also suppose to get 3 shots of the HRIG (Rabies Immuno Globulin), but they were all out because they had to use it the night before because some kid got bit by a dog. Which meant that they had to get more and I got to go in today and get the shots.

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

So I went in at noon and got to get a shot in my left arm (the arm I use to carry 20-40 lb kids) and a shot in each of my hips. Ouch! I also get to go back on Thursday and get the second rabies shot in my arm again. Hopefully the test for the bat will come out negative, other wise I need to go in on the 17th, 24th (my birthday damnit!), and January 7th for more shots. My doctor said the tests usually come back anywhere from 2-7 days after it goes to the vets. Which means hopefully the morning of the 17th I will get a call saying the test was negative and I don’t have to continue the series. Man, this will suck if it comes back positive.

The good news is (is there good news in all of this?) that they don’t give the shots in the stomach anymore, and if I ever get bit by something possibly rabid again, that I will only have to have 2 shots. Well, I don’t see me trying to save anymore bats! I will just let Andy kill them from now on. I was trying to save its life, and the little bastard pays me back by biting me. Well, it’s going to die anyways. HA! Payback’s a bitch ain’t it? Hehehe…

Why am I laughing? My arms hurt from the shots, and my hips ache already from the ones there.

Guess I need to find the humor in the situation? Eh, who knows…

Anywho… Kianna’s waking up so I gotta go tend to the turtle! Later!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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December 11, 2007

I have to ask– Do you use the tupperware containers for storing food as well as catching critters? (=

December 11, 2007

Eep! That’s freakin’ scary! Hopefully the test comes back negative. Bats just FREAK me out!

December 11, 2007

OMG! You poor thing! But, at the same time….LMAO. I’m only laughing because thats something that would happen to me!

December 11, 2007

Dells sounds like so much fun! I love waterslides!! Oh my God-I’de be terrified if I saw a bat in my home!! You’re braver than me!! xxx

December 11, 2007

I couldn’t remember last time I got tetanus booster either but was told they run in ten year thingys and since we haven’t been out of school that long that we probably already have them.

December 11, 2007

You poor thing! I can’t imagine going through that. I’d try to save the bats too though.