Changed for the Better

Hi! Things have been kind of interesting for the past week, so I’ve been kinda MIA from the net.

Kayla is now walking! She’s a walking fool! All over the place. Over the past 2 weeks, she’s gone from one or two steps to across the room and back again! And she’s only 10 months old! YAY! Alexis didn’t walk on her own until she was like, 14 months I think, but she also fell and got scared when she tried at 9 months. Kayla has been pretty fearless since she started cruising a month ago. It’s so cute!

Alexis is using her manners really well and she’s finally out of the terrible two stage I believe. Hopefully anyway. She’s been in it since she was about 18 months, and she’s now over 3, so thank goodness it’s starting to go away. She is still saying "I want…" all the time, but she’s getting better about it. She’s starting to say "Can I please…" and it’s so nice! And she’s been going on the potty more and more lately, and she has actually been GOING on the potty a few times. My baby is growing up!

Andy and I… well, not sure where that’s going. We have spent a lot of time together in the past week. Last weekend he was here every day, and on Sunday, I made the comment about how it felt like we were a real family again since we were together all weekend. He said "I know. It’s been really nice." I was shocked. Kinda. Maybe we just needed a break? I dunno. I told him the other night that he really needs to figure out what he wants. I told him that I don’t NEED him, I can take care of the kids by myself, I just need the financial support. But I WANT him around. He was kinda taken aback when I said that I didn’t need him, like he finally realized that it was true.

I told him tonight that he has until next weekend to figure out what he wants more. His freedom to do whatever the hell he wants whenever he wants, or if he wants me and the girls. We’re falling into the old routine and I don’t like it one bit. But he’s changed. He’s helping me a lot with the girls by watching them if I need to get out for a couple hours to run errands or just to be by myself, he’s changing them and feeding them and being a PARENT. It’s a nice change. I told him that that is exactly what I want him to do. If we give this another go, I told him that I need him to help me around the house more and help me with the girls and watch them if I want to go out one night once in a blue moon. I want a partner, not a boss. I think he finally gets that.

So I’m not sure what’s going to happen with us. We’re taking things one day at a time. Things have changed, and for the better. But will they stay that way? I’m not sure. I hope so.

Don’t Be A Lurker…


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November 23, 2007

Go Kayla! What a quick learner!

November 23, 2007

Go Kayla!!!

November 24, 2007

Yay Kayla!! Avery is walking too! Amazing how fast they grow! I hope things work out for you two!

November 24, 2007

Good for you in telling him that you want a partner-not a boss…I’m going through a hard time with my husband right now-please pray for us…