Remember Me?

Hey everyone! I know you’re thinking, who is this woman writing? Do I know her? But yes, it’s me! I know it’s been a while since I wrote last, quite a while actually, but things have been way busy around here and I just haven’t had the ambition to write until now. This probably won’t be a way long entry, but just enough to update on everything that’s been going on.

The girls are doing really good, Kayla is 9 months old now and starting to stand on her own for a few seconds at a time, if she can keep herself steady that is. She gets so excited about standing, and she’s just like Alexis was, she wants to run, not walk, so when she tries, she falls over because she wants to go so fast! She will hold your fingers and walk/run though, and it’s so cute! She’s eating lotsa different food, and her fave is banana chunks rolled in crushed Cheerios, it makes it easier for her to pick them up. She is so not into baby food anymore, and I don’t blame her. That stuff looks nasty. So I try and incorporate it into stuff, like I boil some pasta and use the baby food as a sauce for her. Hey, whatever works.

Alexis is being herself, terrorizing everyone and everything in her path, like normal. She’s not bad, she’s just a typical 3 year old, but she’s mine. She has a lot of traits from Andy and I and it’s not necessarily a good thing. She thinks she’s right all the time (Andy), she wants to help with EVERYTHING (me), and she’s so stubborn (both of us) and opinionated (both of us) it makes for a very long day. But I love her no matter what. She amazes me with all the new words and sentences she says, it just blows me away. She is mimicking everything, and it’s so cute watching her play along with Dora and Diego and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Those are her favorite shows, and I like how they encourage participation from the kids watching them.

Me? Well, I’m dealing. Andy and I are no longer doing the friends-with-benefits thing. It had to happen. It was seeming like nothing had changed but the fact that he didn’t like here, which is not healthy for what we’re going through. Expectations were starting to rise from both of us, and we just couldn’t live up to them, so we stopped. It sucks, because that means no sex for me, but hey, I gotta think about the long run. This will make it easier in the future.

I’m still watching kids during the week, Kianna Tuesday through Friday from 5:30am until about 4:00pm; Isaac and Aiden 4 days a week from 1:30pm until 11:00pm; plus I picked up Cloey and Dylan every other Friday for my friend Christina, since she just got a part-time job for every other weekend. Cloey is 10 months old and she gets here at about 1:45pm, and Dylan is 5 and he gets off the school bus here at about 4:00pm and their dad picks them up around 6:00pm or so. So they keep me pretty darn busy, but it’s a good kind of busy.

Other than that, not much news to tell. Andy and I will be dropping the girls off with my friend Andrea next Friday for the weekend while we go up to Fergus Falls for his cousin Nathan’s wedding. That should be an interesting ride, just he and I in the truck for about 4 1/2 hours. Woohoo. It will be good for us though. That way we can air stuff out and talk without kids around.

Anywho… This is a bit longer than I anticipated, so if you made it through it all, yay for you! It means I’m pretty interesting and that you missed me apparently. Hopefully it won’t be as long before I write again. I should have pictures the next time I write. I really need to take some good ones of the girls again and post them. Okay, gotta go!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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October 27, 2007

glad to see you are breathing *HUGS*

October 28, 2007

I did miss you!!! Glad things are going alright there. Avery is starting to stand for a few seconds too! They grow so fast!