Wow, two entries in one day! :)

Yep, another entry folks! Hehehe… you love it, you know you do.

Yeah, I never got around to picking up the apples. I could do it now, but I just don’t want to, seeing as how it’s 11:00 at night and I just don’t feel like it. Tomorrow night maybe, or early in the morning.

The REAL reason I’m writing in here, is to tell you all something totally awesome! KAYLA SAID HER FIRST WORD! Wanna know what it was? Well, I will tell ya what happened.

Kayla has been really fussy today, due to the fact that 4 teeth on the top are trying to come in. Mainly, it’s the top left incisor. Not the middle one, but the one to the left of it. I can see the little tooth trying it’s hardest to break through. So I was giving her her bottle around 8:30 tonight, and she was way fussy. Only drank about half of it, then started biting on it. So I gave her some Baby Orajel, and she was all good. Wanted to play, not sleep. Rar. About 15 minutes later, she pulls herself up to stand at the coffee table, starts bouncing up and down yelling "MA-MA-MA-MA!" I was blown away! I said "Mama, Kayla?" And she started bouncing and yelling mama again!

See, this makes me VERY happy, seeing as how Alexis’s first word was dada. So I’m uber happy! Hehehe… take that Andy! I mean, sure, she babbles stuff like lala, yaya, dodo, and rara, but mama is real!

Oh yeah, and I wanted to post her 7 month milestones. She’s doing pretty well. Here they are! Bold, she does, regular she doesn’t.


• Sits without support
• Drags objects toward herself


• Lunges forward or starts crawling
• Jabbers or combines syllables
• Starts to experience stranger anxiety

• Waves goodbye
• Stands while holding onto something
• Bangs objects together
• Begins to understand object permanence

She really doesn’t have stranger anxiety, she’s a people person, like me! And she can’t quite wave yet, but she will in time. She’s sitting and crawling all the time, grabbing at EVERYTHING, babbling, standing, throwing, banging, etc… And we play the game where I put a dry towel or washcloth over her face or my face, and she takes it right off and laughs! What a crazy baby…

Alexis’s attitude is getting better. She’s roughhousing with Kayla, and I have to step in sometimes, but it’s okay. They are kids, and as long as no biting or hitting or throwing is involved, it’s okay. Kayla giggles and laughs when Alexis puts her on her tummy and rolls with her. Alexis also tries to "walk" Kayla by holding her hands and scooting backwards encouraging her to walk. It’s adorable. I love my kids.

K, time for bed! Night!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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August 24, 2007

Right on Kayla!!!

August 24, 2007

Oh man, it seems like I will never get there… but then again I remember, its just months away! 🙂

August 26, 2007

Awww 🙂 Avery is pulling to a stand on EVERYTHING. Time just flys let me tell you. I’m sure you already know that though!! That is so awesome her first word was mama. Both my older boys said “dada” first…so I’m expecting the same with Avery. It would be so nice to have him say mama though 😉