*yawn* I’m Awake*E

Hey everyone! I’ve been typing up this entry whenever I get a few minutes to keep you all updated. Been busy busy busy! Do you miss me?

Well, Kayla is 6 months old now, and growing like crazy! She went in for her checkup and shots last Friday, and she is 19 lbs 1 ounce and 28 ½ inches long! Off the charts for both height and weight. Crazy! She got two shots, and had no reaction from either one. I found out from the doctor that if I don’t want her to have the Chicken Pox shot when she 12 months, then I have to tell them at her 9 month checkup and they will have to special order a vaccine because they are now combining the Chicken Pox one with the MMR. So I get to remind him of that. Yay. Not.

Kayla is rolling around like crazy and trying to crawl, but she just can’t seem to get it yet. She goes backwards a little bit, but she can’t go forward. Still just rocking on her hands and knees. She’s sitting pretty well on her own now, at least for a few minutes at a time. I think the longest she’s sat is like, 5 minutes or so before getting excited over something and tipping over. She’s getting better at the whole spoon feeding, and she has had: rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, peaches, pears, carrots, applesauce and peas. Oh yeah, she just got her first tooth in last night! YAY! She got her bottom left one in, I am so proud! Woohoo!

Alexis is doing really well, she is learning to share better and she enjoys showing Kayla new things. Her tantrums have dwindled down a bit, so that’s a relief. Less stress on me AND her. I am able to find more time in my day to spend more one-on-one time with her, which helps a lot. I still can’t believe she’s going to be 3 in a couple months. AAAGGGHHH!!!

On another note, Danny got home last Thursday from Iraq! As far as I know, he’s back for good, yay! We spent the weekend hanging out with them in Glenwood City for the St. Croix County Fair, then we went to Danny’s mom’s on Sunday for a Welcome Home Party. It was great to see him again, and Andy was so happy that his best friend was home. I kinda feel bad for Danny’s wife Angel though. I don’t think he left her alone until Sunday night! She was so sore, but that’s what happens when you’re apart for like, 5 months or so. Oh well.

On that subject, the sex subject, there isn’t any being had around here. I have no sex drive left you guys. My pills have slowly been dragging my sex drive down. I don’t know what to do. I think I’m going to call my insurance and see if they will cover a tubal. We’re not having any more kids anyways, and I can’t deal with taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life, and I hate condoms. I just want my life back. Andy and I haven’t had sex for probably a week and a half to two weeks. At least. Grr… We’re both getting very frustrated, but it’s hard with him working nights and then on the weekends I just want to sleep. I started taking on my friend Ashley’s sons 3 days one week and 2 days the next from 6 am until 3 pm, so that means I get up at 5 or 5:15 am. Plus I have Kennedy every other week M-TH from 2:30 pm until 11:30 pm. So on the days I have ALL of them, I’m up from 5 until midnight about. So I be VERY tired. But we need the money, and I love the kids to death.

Anyways…. I don’t think there’s anything else new. Gotta do the dishes then snuggle with Alexis on the couch and take a nap. *huge yawn* TTYL!


Dry spell over. Nuf said

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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July 25, 2007

i have no sex drive all the time on pills off pill and pregnant.. i do it because… i should .. but i’m glad your hubbies back

July 28, 2007

It sure sounds like you’ve got your hands full right now! And Im so sorry about you not having any sex-Ack! I would be going crazy! 🙁 Well blessings!

August 1, 2007

LOL glad your dry spell is over..