Doctor and Home Tour *lotsa pics*

Okie-doke. Well, took Kayla to her follow-up appointment this morning. The scale at the ER was off, or the one in the doctor’s office was off, but the scale this morning said 18 lbs 6.8 ounces for Kayla’s weight, and the one in the ER on Wednesday night said 20 lbs 4 ounces. Eh, no biggie. I’m putting more money on the one in the doctor’s office being right, since it’s the one she’s always been weighed on. We’ll find out in 2 weeks when she goes in for her 6 month appointment.

Well, her ear infection is all cleared up the doctor said, and her cough is much better. It’s not such a hacky-phlemy-chokey cough anymore. She’s wheezing and rattling more than anything. But she’s been a happy girl the past couple days. And she let me sleep last night! Woohoo! Slept until about 6:30 this morning. So nice… The doctor prescribed more albuterol (with 3 refills! YAY!) and some Pulmicort to help really clear her lungs, so she’s on the pulmicort in the morning and at night, then she gets albuterol during the day until her chest clears up. Oh yeah, and the RSV test was negative, which was a big relief to me.

Anywho, that was how her doctor’s appointment went. Now, onto the home tour. Lotsa pics. Enjoy!


What you are about to see is a half-messy home. The upstairs is almost all remodeled, but the downstairs really hasn’t been touched, so it kinda looks like crap. But everything has a place and the girls are safe, and we can’t afford to finish the remodel yet. That is all.


the part of the house you see from the road

The backyard (don’t worry, the car’s not there usually, it was just put there for a few hours)

Walking through the porch door

Looking to the right, my messy porch, I really need to clean it. Maybe this weekend.

Walking in the front door you see my kitchen

Taking a left in the kitchen you head into the hallway towards my office, sorry so dark

First door to the right, our little downstairs bathroom

My office

Turn left, our living room (like our dilapidated entertainment center? Notice how there isn’t anything on the left-hand side of the top… we need a new one) and Alexis, my ham 🙂

Back to the kitchen going up the stairs

The purty shelves that my dad built along the stairs

Upstairs hallway

First door on the left, mine and Andy’s bedroom(I made that quilt in HS btw)

Bay window with a window seat

Cedar chest and TV

The nice walk-in closet and then our linen closet

Back to the hallway, turn left, you go up a step, then to the upstairs bathroom. I tried to take a pic of the vanity and huge tub, but it didn’t turn out very well, so this will have to do.

Out the door, turn right, you come to what is known as the "common area", which is the girls’s play area

You can see Kayla’s bedroom door in the previous picture, so here’s her room (that crib use to belong to my great-aunt Wava, who used it for her kids. My nephew used it, then it came to me and Alexis used it, now Kayla’s using it. Love that it’s still in the family!) Oh yeah, and those cardboard boxes and diaper boxes? All clothes that Kayla will grow into over the next few years.

Cool recessed shelving my dad put into the two smaller bedrooms (Alexis has them too, the opposite pattern, which you will see shortly)

Out the door, turn left

Into Alexis’s room

Alexis’s cool recessed shelving

K, that’s all! That concludes the home tour. Sure, parts were a little messy, a little scary, but it was fun, right? If not, then oh well. It was requested, so I did it. Hope you all enjoyed it! I’m off to bed now, cuz I’m tired. Night!



t Be A Lurker…

July 20– Kayla 6 month check-up and shots 9:15 am

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July 6, 2007

It’s going to look so great when it’s all done!

July 7, 2007

Yay!!! Thank you so much!! I love it! I love your hardwood floors 🙂 And those shelves your dad made…tell him to c’mon over and put some in my house. Those are so pretty! Oh, and that crib is gorgeous, too. You know it’s good quality when it’s made it through all of those kids. :)xoxox

July 7, 2007

i love the recessed shelves, your dad is a pretty handy guy, lol. Thanks for sharing.

July 7, 2007

I Love Bay windows.. the shelves you dad made on the stairs and in the bedrooms are really cool

July 9, 2007

i love ur backyard!! you have a very nice house

July 10, 2007

i love it