Hot Hot Hot!*

Wow, it’s like, 92*F here! I started feeling a little sick in the stomach and started getting a headache for some reason, so after I put Kayla down for a nap, Alexis and I laid on the couch and took a nap too. We slept for 2 hours! Kay’s still asleep. It’s so freaking hot! And it’s only 2:54pm. It’s been upper 80’s, lower 90’s all week, and it’s getting really old. No rain either. the humidity is killing me! But, HOPEFULLY we’ll get some rain tomorrow night. That’s what the news is thinking anyways. But it’s suppose to be hot again on Father’s Day, so we’re going over to

Ma & Pa Z’s early so that the girls can go in their pool for a little while to cool off.
I still need to pick up a pool for here. Just a little plastic one. With a slide built in for Alexis. Saw them at WallyWorld for like, 20 bucks or so. Maybe I’ll pick one up this weekend since it’s going to be hot again this week, and I have Kennedy. Dealing with a hot crabby baby plus one hot crabby toddler is enough without having to add in a hot crabby preschooler. Yeesh. Then I get all crabby as well. So not fun. Thank goodness for freezies!
Well, Kay’s waking up, gotta go


Ya know, it’s so hot, my deodorant is in the fridge! It’s one of those Invisible solids, and yeah, with the heat, it’s not invisible. It’s starting to melt and come off in chunks. So it’s in the fridge! *hahaha* That’s how hot it is here. Don’t know why, but I had to tell you all that. So if your deodorant starts coming off in chunks and melting, put it in the fridge, it’ll firm right up!

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June 15, 2007

🙂 I cant wait to get De’s pool set up in our backyard. I think I enjoy it as much as he does!

June 15, 2007

Ugh, I am so hot, thank GOD for AC in the bedroom for going to bed!