Fits and Giggles

Grrr… Hopefully it saves this time. Typed this up a couple times and it never saved.

Hey all! I’ve got Kennedy this week, so not too much time to get on the puter until all the kiddos are asleep. Just thought I’d hop on and say hi and let you all know I’m still here. Got a few things to mention and all that. Not a lot, but a few.

Alexis has been, I don’t know, acting out maybe. She’s been throwing these crying-whiny-sticking-her-fingers-in-her-mouth fits, and telling me she doesn’t like anything. Almost everything I’ve made to eat the past week she has been taking one bite and saying "dont’ like it." Except for breakfast, that’s no problem. But the spaghetti, lasagna, grilled cheese, pot pies, chicken nuggets, sandwiches, etc… that I’ve made for her lunches and suppers, she really doesn’t wanna touch. She wants chips or fruit snacks or something else to eat. I tell her no, and to eat her food. She starts crying with her mouth wide open and her fingers stuck in there and just whines. I’ve NEVER had this problem with her, or at least not this bad. She understands that what Mommy makes to eat, she eats, especially when she asks for it, and if she doesn’t eat it, then she doesn’t eat. Eventually, yeah, she will eat it. After about 5 minutes of whining and crying and throwing a fit. It’s just getting old. Hopefully it will pass.Grr…

On a lighter note, Kayla has been giggling up a storm these days! I love listening to her giggle. It’s so easy too! All you have to do is smile and her and she goes off. Or even lightly tickling her belly or cheeks will make her laugh. I love baby laughs, they are the best. She’s sleeping 10 hours a night now, and has been for the past couple weeks straight. It’s so nice, I can actually sleep! Oh yeah! And she also ate cereal today, off of her spoon! YAY! Of course, it was a huge mess, but she did it! I am so proud of my little cookie. Alexis is our pumpkin, and Kayla is our cookie. Andy called Kayla pumpkin yesterday, and I said no, she’s cookie. And he said he was wondering how he was going to call 2 kids pumpkin. It was one of those you gotta be there kinda moments.

I’m getting a little stressed out and needing a break, which has come! Heather is taking both girls for the weekend this weekend and Andy and I have the whole weekend to ourselves! I can veg out and relax if I want, or I can actually finish painting Alexis’s room. It needs a second coat, I finally realized a couple months ago that you can see the primer in some spots. So I really need to fix that.

So I’m dropping the kids off at Heather’s on Friday around noon, then I’m going to Great Clips and getting my hair cut. It needs it. Bad. I’m thinking about getting it layered. The stylists have always told me that my hair would look great layered, but I never trusted them. I’m thinking about doing that this time. Plus, I have a coupon for a $7.99 haircut and style for the Great Clips I go to. WOOHOO!

K, that’s all I think. Gotta go now. Need to get some cleaning done and stuff before Jason gets here, cuz once he picks up Kennedy, I go to sleep. Only another hour before that. Night everyone!

Don’t Be A Lurker…

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May 22, 2007

Toddlers can be like that sometimes. Wes goes through all sorts of simliar fazes too. It sucks, but eventually they grow out of it. Good Luck

May 22, 2007

Lately De rejects all soups. I dont know whats up there. The great thing is he hasnt had a puree fruit in 2 days (Thank the heavens!) its all been diced fruit! point is, I empathize!!

May 22, 2007

i am an adult and i refuse to eat alot of food. my landlady was a horrible cook. i ran away without notifying her that i was finding a new place. she and her daughter went ballistic. you sound like a good cook. too bad your kid does not like what you cook. LASAGNA RULEZZZZZZZZZZZ i need your opinions on ghosts.

May 22, 2007

I love baby giggles!

May 30, 2007

I love hearing babies melts me…also yea for getting sleep.