4 Months

Already?! She’s 4 months old already?! Where has the time gone… Yes, my baby Kayla is 4 months old today. She had her check-up and shots, and lemme tell ya, that was a real treat. She didn’t cry with the first shot, she just kinda looked at me like "Ma? What the hell was that?" Then she cried with the second and third shot. I told the doctor no more rotavirus vaccine for her, and he asked if she had a reaction to the first dose, and I told him yes, she had severe diarrhea and vomiting for over a week. He said thanks for telling him, and he wrote a note on her chart saying no more rotavirus vaccine.

She’s pretty crabby tonight. She fell asleep about 10 minutes after we left the doctor’s office, no crying or nothing after about 30 seconds. We went to the pharmacy to pick up my next 3 packs of BC, then we went to the grocery store, where she fell asleep. She slept for about an hour, then when we got home, she started screaming and crying and hotting and hollering. Pretty much didn’t stop, except for feedings and a half hour nap, until bedtime. About 5 hours of it. Eesh… She did not do this the last time she had shots. She’s not a happy camper. I didn’t wanna give her any Tylenol unless she had a fever, but by the time bedtime came around, there was no consoling her unless she had a bottle in her mouth. So I gave her a half dose of Tylenol to take some pain away and help her sleep, and she’s been sleeping for about 1 1/2 hours now. Hopefully she sleeps okay tonight, I hate when they have to get shots. It breaks my heart!

Oh yeah, I suppose I can tell you how big she is! She weighs 15 lbs 13.6 ounces, which puts her in the 90th percentile for her weight. She is also 27 inches long, which, get this, is off the chart for her age! The doc said she’s like, in the top 0.5% of kids her age. But that she’s doing perfect and that her height and weight are wonderful together. She’s a big girl! I looked at Alexis’s baby book and compared. At 4 months, Alexis was 16 lbs 8 ounces and 25 1/4 inches long. Shorter and heavier than Kayla is at the same age. Wow. I have big kids. *huge grin*

Here are the milestones for 4 months. What she does sometimes is italics… what she does all the time is bold, and what she hasn’t done is regular.

Most kids can do:

Smile, laugh
Bear weight on legs
Coos when talked to

Some kids can do:

Grasps a toy
Rolls over, from tummy to back (just did this yesterday for the first time!)

Few kids can do:

Imitate sounds: baba, dada
Cuts first tooth (I can see a little white speck where her tooth will be coming in!)
May be ready for solids (has rice cereal in her bottle once during the day, and before bedtime)

She’s a pretty smart little cookie! I love my kids! Better get to bed and get a few hours of sleep just in case Kayla wakes up tonight. I have a feeling I may be bringing her into bed with me in the middle of the night to help her sleep. Night guys!

Don’t Be A Lurker…


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May 17, 2007

Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon!

May 18, 2007

Awww 🙂 At Avery’s sick visit yesterday he was 16lbs 10 oz.

May 18, 2007

mine had shots yesterday and did the same thing!

May 18, 2007

Happy 4 months!!

May 19, 2007

Happy 4 months!

May 20, 2007

Yay! She is getting older! Always the joy in kids getting older.

May 20, 2007

Time flies!